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Angry [at] Birds


Well-Known Member
Has anyone any tips for getting rid of crows?

A horde of the little bu99ers are settling on my roof / outside my window and while shaking the curtains, banging on the window and cawing manically at them can be fun people are starting to give me strange looks.

I'm in the process of jury rigging a flash tube and a PIR but am not sure if that will work as I believe the cold hearted beasts are actually cold blooded...

Any ideas?

You could try dummy bird of prey on the roof.

Not doubting your ident but if there are quite a few is possible they are jackdaws.
Do you have any dead animals around ,or is there a garbage dump nearby ?

Crows are usually attracted where there is a food source.

They also come if your little sister like to feed them .While it is cute ,the crows' network is faster than 3G.

Probably the neighbour's kid likes to feed them or you have a dead rat/mongoose/cat lying around.

Get rid of food source ,get rid of crows.
Here is what I would do:

1-Build a slingshot contraption, a few pieces of wood and a giant rubber band.

2-Go down to your local bird store, pick up a few blue jays, maybe some red robbins and yellow canaries.

3-Place said birds in slingshot contraption and aim for the birds on your roof.

4-Give yourself 5000 points for each bird you get.

Or get yourself a scarecrow, that is what they are made for.
Here is what I would do:

1-Build a slingshot contraption, a few pieces of wood and a giant rubber band.

2-Go down to your local bird store, pick up a few blue jays, maybe some red robbins and yellow canaries.

3-Place said birds in slingshot contraption and aim for the birds on your roof.

4-Give yourself 5000 points for each bird you get.

Or get yourself a scarecrow, that is what they are made for.

I asked at the pet shop but they had run out of exploding chickens and boomerang birds...

Also, these crafty little bu99ers can spot a static scarecrow a mile off, it has to be something more sophisticated, hence the vast array of old CD-ROMs and battery of flash tubes I am currently designing...

A group of crows is a "murder". They are sociable and the first brood will hang around to help raise the second. They are also smart enough to use tools. You will simply have to make them uncomfortable to shift them. If you are going to use some kind of flashing light, then make sure the flash is at irregular times or they will figure it out.
How about something like a jack in the box that will pop up at irregular intervals?

While the articles mentioned black birds - cannon have been used to scare off extremely large roosts.
You'll never get rid of crows one at a time .... I'd suggest


No, Arch Bishops only scare away doves. You could always throw the Spanish Inquisition at them.

(I bet you didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition ;) )

Now I like that idea, but what I have to hand at the moment is a rather large pile of flash tubes and charging units [from old disposable cameras], not strobes. My plan was to hook half a dozen of them to one of my spare Arduinos and trigger them [pseudo] randomly. Combine that with several 'pseudo autonomous randomly mobile reflective surfaces' [assorted CD-ROMs hanging on string] and it ought to scare the crap out of the little b133ders.

While I quite like the idea of automatic weapons and pump action shotguns I live in England and they tend to be very touchy about that sort of thing. A man was shot dead by a Police marksman last year while walking down the street with a chair leg under his arm(!) and you really don't want to go near the London Underground if there are armed Police about...

Now I like that idea, but what I have to hand at the moment is a rather large pile of flash tubes and charging units [from old disposable cameras], not strobes. My plan was to hook half a dozen of them to one of my spare Arduinos and trigger them [pseudo] randomly. Combine that with several 'pseudo autonomous randomly mobile reflective surfaces' [assorted CD-ROMs hanging on string] and it ought to scare the crap out of the little b133ders.

While I quite like the idea of automatic weapons and pump action shotguns I live in England and they tend to be very touchy about that sort of thing. A man was shot dead by a Police marksman last year while walking down the street with a chair leg under his arm(!) and you really don't want to go near the London Underground if there are armed Police about...


How about triggering with a motion sensor?
How about triggering with a motion sensor?
I considered that (see earlier post) and will probably do it as I have some PIRs laying around but I was, until a few minutes ago, under the mistaken impression birds were cold blooded...

Throwing in some random triggers is a good idea anyway as it would stop the little bu99ers from coming close in the first case!
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