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Help annoying, unwanted POP UP VIDEO ADS


Apr 26, 2011
I am really getting #@%!! Off...!! .with these video ads that just pop up at anytime they want ( only on a website that i am on quite a bit ) airG.com - if anyone knows how i can get rid of this problem, please help....before i go insane....!! The company name it shows on is ( iVdopia ). ...thank you
No prob. It kinda could be a phone issue but nothing we can fix or at least that I know how to fix. It sounds like the site is using flash pop up adds(?maybe), which our phones have flash now (if you are running 2.2 or higher), but they do slow everything down & can freeze up sometimes. Maybe try searching the market or web for ad blockers? Idk, no sites I go to regularly have that issue.
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