A police officer is generally considered to be an expert witness on law enforcement procedures.
About 3 years ago I contested another ticket. I was driving to work and a Pontiac G6 passed me at a high rate of speed. (I'm actually going to be honest here) Earlier at a stoplight he tried to gun it ahead of me because his lane was ending and he was going to have to merge onto my lane. I know when people try this maneuver and have no problem being "that guy" and not allowing them to dart in front of me and cut me off at the last minute. So considering his car was a G6 with most likely a 200 HP motor, and I was in my GTO at the time pushing near 430 HP (I miss tweaking that motor) it was no contest. I pulled about 5-10 MPH over the speed limit (45 MPH limit) and left him like he was driving a minivan. As I started to get onto the highway which had a posted speed of 65, I see the guy charging up fast. I'm guessing he was posteriorally wounded (butt-hurt) and on the highway he blew past me going about 85. I go between 9-10 MPH over the posted speed limits which is pretty much the normal flow of traffic. When I saw the state trooper on the side of the road, I figured maybe my little friend in the G6 had exited prior since the cop was still monitoring speed. After passing the cop, sure enough he pulls out behind me and turns on his lights. I asked him if he maybe clocked the wrong car but he insisted that he got me going 76 in a 65 (conveniently 11 miles over since they rarely write tickets for anything under 10 MPH). When he gave me the ticket, I thought I had an instant dismissal. He wrote "Pontiac G6" which proved that the G6 that blew ahead of me was what the cop saw and clocked.
When I attempted to present my case, the judge wouldn't allow me to submit evidence that would demonstrate to the jury that I drove a GTO and not a G6. In my opinion I don't see how I could be found guilty if the cop wrote down the wrong make of vehicle, but these so called "experts" are given the benefit of the doubt even when they incorrectly identify a car they insist was speeding. Below is a Pontiac GTO and a G6. It's not exactly the same car.

Oh and the Jury actually said I should pay 1/2 the fine, which I think they agreed to that amount because the judge told them to disregard the fact that the cop wrote down the wrong model.