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[ANSWERED] Screen Color problem after installing Cyanogenmod 11 on Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 Kids (SM-T2105)


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2016
I was working on my brothers tablet he got awhile back because he would complain that its "too slow to play any games or watch any videos". To fix this problem, I rooted, installed TWRP, and installed Cyanogenmod 11. After installing the new rom, all the colors look off, i've looked through the settings and found nothing to fix the problem, I even googled the problem for a good hour and a half still to no avail. I even see the color issue during bootup, instead of the regular cyanogenmod boot animation being, well, cyan, its orange. Has anyone else had this problem? Screenshots down below. It mainly looks like the colors red, green, and blue that are off.

20161226_205508.jpg 20161226_205549.jpg 20161226_205538.jpg
Disreguard, It was a bug in the ROM, there were three roms available for download, I downloaded all 3 and went down the list to see which rom was stable, flashed one by one in twrp, and the 2nd rom was the one that worked. Good to know my screen wasn't busted, that would've been bad. :D
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