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What common sense would that be? I only install apps from the market not flaky sites. At one point in time were a few apps removed from the market for being virus like. The question really wasn't about me doing something silly it was about someone getting past Google.
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Google regularly scans its market for apps containing malicious code. Only using apps from the play store and looking at their permissions and determining if they are just is about all the average user needs to do.

When using the web browser, don't go randomly clicking on links on shady websites.

Just common sense things will keep you safe.

Anything that gets by those basic steps isn't going to be caught by an antivirus app anyway because its too new of an attack to detect
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Sounds like alot of faith in Google. No one puts that much in Microsoft :eek:


Android operates on the Linux kernel. You wont have all of the malware that plagues windows machines. That's not to say it isn't out there, but its so far down on my list of worries its a non-issue.

If it comes down to it...yes, I trust Google and their don't be evil mantra.
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Who reads permissions I guess I put faith in Google too. My opinion they should stop things from the get go. If the app doesn't need to go to the internet it should not be allowed to. I should not be forced to see ads I would rather pay for the app. Before someone says that's permissions. Some developers say it needs to see this or that. Who am I to argue I'm not a developer. In other words the average guy probably can't see the BS.
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I've been using variants of Linux for over a decade. I'll be the first to tell you it's (obviously) not invulnerable to malware. True, it's not as susceptible as windows, but that's not only because it's designed "safer", it's simply not mainstream like windows is. Hackers, script kiddies, cyber criminals, etc don't have much of a reason to attack Linux. Not enough people use it.

Android is based on Linux yes. It's also not totally safe from malware. There IS malware on Android, and forms of it do find their way onto Google play.

A lot of people say it's a waste to use anti virus on Android. Why? It takes a whole 10 mb of ram (out of a gig? Big deal). It may not save you. But it also might. Many of them also have other nifty and useful options.

Anti virus on Android is not a waste just because some choose to be careless and believe they are savvy enough to save themselves from malware by checking permissions. Sorry to break it to you but permission uses are reported by the app in question, not the android system and can be hidden from the user by a clever coder. Most forms of malware try to hide themselves from you. Why would it be any different on android. So keep using your uber keen insight to think you are saving yourself from malware.

Before my knowledge is questioned and I'm told I know nothing I am a information and technology security analyst, and network administrator by trade and career. It's my job to protect my company from attacks.
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Thank you ChiweN that's the answer I was looking for...

You are most welcome. I'll assure you also by saying I promise your battery will not take a beating lol. Most of these apps have become more efficient now, less resource and battery intensive.

I prefer avast. It scans apps and files on the internal and external memories, scans apps on install, has an ip table firewall, privacy options, stolen phone options and more. It has a small memory foot print (about 10mb). No noticeable battery drain.

I recommend avast due to functionality that it has that others don't. Some swear by avg, lookout,nq and others. You could try a few and figure out what you like best.
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You are most welcome. I'll assure you also by saying I promise your battery will not take a beating lol. Most of these apps have become more efficient now, less resource and battery intensive.

I prefer avast. It scans apps and files on the internal and external memories, scans apps on install, has an ip table firewall, privacy options, stolen phone options and more. It has a small memory foot print (about 10mb). No noticeable battery drain.

I recommend avast due to functionality that it has that others don't. Some swear by avg, lookout,nq and others. You could try a few and figure out what you like best.
What if I'm late installing an anti virus? and there is already a virus on my phone and it could not be deleted when i scan it on my computer? i tried to delete it but it's just being blocked but not deleted. My phone starts malfunctioning because of it. thanks in advance.
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