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Any Major Problems with the TB?


Android Enthusiast
I'm out of contract with my Dinc and don't want to go back under contract or shell out $700+! So after researching a lot of phones I found the TB a super fast 4G phone and just maybe not too much slower than the new ones?

I understand this is one of the few if not only old phones you can talk and surf the web. Basically want fast and most of all great call quality, unlike my Dinc. Other than battery life is there any major problems should be concerned about?

Mine is still hanging in there... 2+ years old. So far so good! Makes the upgrade wait very tolerable as I really don't feel I'm missing anything holding on the old faithful!
A little late to the party, but i bought my TB on release day and still works just fine. One reason to get the TB: kickstand!
I've found that bluetooth stops working every once in a while and my Blue Ant S4 won't see the phone until I reboot it. That and the recurring message about activating my SIM (which goes away after a reboot), but other than those no issues with ICS.
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