Well, only three of the four butts were consumed at the party, but better to have extra than not enough. I brought the other butt home that was still in the cooler and pulled it. My son is having a hot sandwich from it as we speak.
As far as how it was received, well, very well, which is surprising. I know I live up North, but it seems most people up here have never had un-doctored pulled pork. I had several recipe requests and folks were awfully surprised to hear it was just salt, pepper, and pork. I even had a "I don't even like pork and I went back for seconds" compliment, so I was humbled to hear all the feedback. I know I cook for my family, but putting it out there to a very large group and collectively getting only positive feedback was great.
The Lord of the Smoke Ring kicked ass. For one, it is double wall insulated, so even though it is nearly double the cooking surface, the pellet use was similar to what I would use smoking a single butt on my old Traeger or the Weber Smokefire. I wound up having to bag them at 180 to ensure they reached temp and have time to rest in time for the cookout,
The Traeger app flaked out on me, and I was monitoring the cook from work, I couldn't tell what happened so I had to run home and check. There were no problems with the grill, just the app. I wound up having to clear data and cache and restart the app and things went back to normal. I think maybe running it for 13 hours may have been a bit much, but I'll see the next time on a long cook. Thankfully, it had zero effect on the cook itself, I was just watching the temps. I probably should try using the app as it will work with cooking parameters and what you are cooking and automagically adjust temps and whatnot. I'm just so used to doing it myself that I don't even think of letting the grill do things.
I'm not ready for competition yet, but I'm not afraid to serve strangers.