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Any Time is Grillin Time

Last night I had a big party down on my lease at the river. I grilled out burgers and brats. I baked some beans in a dutch oven. Everything tastes better in the woods.
This morning I fixed breakfast burritos for the masses. I again used the dutch oven for the sausage, potatoes, onions, peppers, eggs and cheese. I had some great coals to cook with from the left over huge fire we kept going most of the night. Was a great time.. and good eats.
Was perfect grilling weather here tonight so I put some fire to some burgers. I grilled some onions and toasted the buns.. makes for a great cheap meal with no fuss.
Down into the 20s last night. Good thing the bird bath is heated. :) That has nothing to do with grilling, but I have nothing to grill and my wife does all the meal planning. We had some Venison hamburger , but she used it in a hotdish. Maybe we have more in the freezer. It pays to have friends that hunt. My buddy hunts in here and in the U.P. and he has given us some really tasty meat. Our neighbor takes off Oct. and Nov. to come up here and hunt grouse. He must be really good at it as last year he gave us a couple great tasting birds. He got married last Nov. though. I gave up hunting 18 years ago, but that is a story for another time.
As a child, my good buddy lived with his aunt and uncle. The uncle was an avid hunter and a master at grilling and smoking wild game. I have no recipes, he died when we were in high school. :( I well remember eating his smoked duck and goose... fantastic.
He fixed spicy venison burgers that were just out of this world.

He was just a great cook. He volunteered a great deal of his time cooking for the local VFW. The leftovers often followed him home and became a real treat around my friend's house. Mountain oyster nights and frog leg nights were something all of us kids looked forward to. :) I can't stop typing about the guy until I make mention of his crawdad jambalaya.... OMG
It was so darn nice outside today that I was scrounging for something to grill. I had a couple of packages of all beef smoked sausages so I cut them into hot dog lengths and we ate them as such. It sure wasn't fancy but they were pretty darn good. Some spiced mustard, diced onions, and relish on them made for a great hot dog. :)
Finally get to dust off the ole grill and do some cooking today. After the wind we had yesterday, there was nothing to dust off. Just doing brats and hot dogs. There is a meat market 35 miles from us. I will have to find out if they are any good. Sure would be nice to grill something that isn't pre-packaged from Super Valu.
I hope your somewhat local market proves to be a great source for some good eats. It's fun to talk to the butcher and request special cuts and such. I bet you'll enjoy... especially if their brats are special :)
Oh I bet so. About 40 years ago I attended a huge family reunion of my wife's. She is German / Bohemian decent. I don't know where they got the meat but they grilled out brats and sausages for like 250 people. Lots of beer and polka lol. But I still remember that meat. My mouth waters just thinking about those spicy sausages. By far the best I ever tasted. They weren't hot.. they weren't spice like Italian. They were.. well German / Bohemian. :) I'm here to tell you... those folks Know how to eat and party.
We took a trip over to Germany in 2001. The very best brats I have ever had were from a grill cart in city square in Colberg. All the regions had their own beer and their own brats. Was that ever good!
Yes lol. If you are talking to me.. I think they were a little of both... likely mostly beef.
they had that beefy taste but weren't at all dry. I'm guessing they had some pork to flavor and to add moisture. I'm only guessing.. just know everything I tried was wonderful. Good enough I remember the day/night well from 1974 lol.
The end of Daylight Savings Time is not a challenge for a determined griller.

Let there be light. :) I have a couple of porch lights mounted above my cooker. It's the only way I can see to grill in the winter. One has to have some light.

I've seen some of the newer grills that are fitted with a battery operated light just for purpose. I guess we aren't the only ones that have felt the need.
This way has to be cheaper. Those LED lights are really bright. We have deck lights too, but it gets dark in them there woods. :) Plus, it had been raining. Just glad to be grilling.
I grilled out some hot dogs the other night. That's not really grilling lol but it's all I've done all week. I am going out of town Saturday and have to work all of Sunday so no grilling again this weekend. :( I'm in the mood for a thick steak!

I am having a freeze out at my lease at the end of the month. Rain, snow, sleet, or shine I'll be grilling something in the woods. It's an end of the season party that will be attended by the hearty lol. We'll have a big fire going... lots of brewskis. No heat in the cabin lol so wear your woolies and bring your heaviest sleeping bag.

It's always fun.. the adventure of it all. Food tastes so good cooked out in the cold and wild like that. I think I'll grill out some brats and make a big pot of spicy chili. Breakfast burritos work well for in the morning so that's most likely breakfast. Lots of black coffee... a MUST lol.
I took this picture yesterday morning, out walking the dog. Today we were out and while the dog was doing her business, 3 deer ran across the road about 100 yds away.
Well it aint powdered sugar! :) They are predicting up to 5" on Monday. We have had several nights into the 20s. That is supposed to be the highs next week.
Oh man, I ain't ready for that bs yet :o It's 45 during the nights and 55 for day times here, the leaves are colouring and falling.
Good luck, pal :)
We all make mistakes. :) I am kidding of course. I've seen the view from your deck... super nice. I'm not a big snow guy though. We get less than two feet a year normally. And it normally doesn't stay on the ground long. About once ever twenty five years or so we'll get a couple of feet at once. That works out ok for me.
We are in the middle of a Winter Storm Warning. We got about 1/2 ft yesterday and it looks like we are getting at least that today. It stopped long enough for snow blowing and shovelling. I was going to take a picture of the grill all covered up with all that snow on top of it.
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