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Any way to keep streaming audio playing in background?

I don't yet have a remedy for your issue, bella (other than trying other apps/widgets as suggested), but I wanted to thank you for that link. ;)
This bothers me to, coming from an iphone. If I listen to the police scanner from a website, I have to keep the app open, and can't even shut the screen off.
Must be the app. I stream Pandora in the background all the time.

Huh? I realize Pandora does, it but like my specific post said, the millions of streams OUTSIDE of Pandora (there is life outside Pandora), such as ATC feeds, radio stations that are web based streams, etc. I don't want to live with the limitations of pandora (it's VERY limited), and I want to be able to take a stream URL and just listen to it. The native Android OS has a built-in streaming capability, it just isn't backgrounding, so that's the issue.
This bothers me to, coming from an iphone. If I listen to the police scanner from a website, I have to keep the app open, and can't even shut the screen off.

Yeah, it kinda puts Android OS to shame when the built in media app won't keep streaming when it's in the background... what's the point of streaming audio if you have to sit and stare at a big black screen and if you multitask your stream ends? Only OS on the planet that does this. I've tried vPlayer and YXPLAYER and they both end the streams as soon as you try to do something else.

If there's no solution I may have to go back to iOS. Not having legitimate multitasking that allows streaming media to be played while doing something else is a total fail.
Or, be part of the solution and learn how to write apps, if in fact Android will allow background streaming...

Clearly as someone else pointed out "Pandora streams just fine in the background" ... I have zero interest in developing an app. Not sure why that's your response. It's quite silly, especially from an OS that touts itself as having an app for everything to not have something so basic. A $400 phone that can't do anything while it's streaming an internet feed? When I had Windows for Workgroups 3.0 I used to stream online media in the background while doing 10 other things, and that was in 1995, 16 years ago.
Android is probably shutting down the browser to conserve the battery. The only thing I can think of is to not allow the phone to sleep.
Android is probably shutting down the browser to conserve the battery. The only thing I can think of is to not allow the phone to sleep.

It's not the browser that's the issue. If I load a stream it's launching an external app (there's many that can play it, Streaming Audio Player is built into Android OS), and I've tried several. Why those apps can't run in the background is beyond me. Android packages the OS with an app specifically called Streaming Audio Player, and yet it doesn't background.
Clearly as someone else pointed out "Pandora streams just fine in the background" ... I have zero interest in developing an app. Not sure why that's your response. It's quite silly, especially from an OS that touts itself as having an app for everything to not have something so basic. A $400 phone that can't do anything while it's streaming an internet feed? When I had Windows for Workgroups 3.0 I used to stream online media in the background while doing 10 other things, and that was in 1995, 16 years ago.

If its really that big of a gripe and you were able to do it 16 years ago, maybe Marty Mcfly can help. Complaining on an internet forum about a single drawback is kinda dumb.
If its really that big of a gripe and you were able to do it 16 years ago, maybe Marty Mcfly can help. Complaining on an internet forum about a single drawback is kinda dumb.

I guess in Louisiana things aren't as important. I consider a holster to be the most outdated, archaic accessory for a phone, not to mention a terribly inappropriate fashion accessory, yet you felt the need to devote an entire discussion to it.

I don't think that streaming audio in the background, on a supposedly media-first multi-tasking device, is a small drawback. This is 2011, one should be able to listen to an audio stream and do something else, even if it's something basic, at the same time.

But hey, if you'd rather worry about a holster for your phone, you stick to your thread... I don't go into it and tell you that holsters are for hicks, how about you stay out of mine and allow someone who has something productive to contribute?
I guess in Louisiana things aren't as important. I consider a holster to be the most outdated, archaic accessory for a phone, not to mention a terribly inappropriate fashion accessory, yet you felt the need to devote an entire discussion to it.

I don't think that streaming audio in the background, on a supposedly media-first multi-tasking device, is a small drawback. This is 2011, one should be able to listen to an audio stream and do something else, even if it's something basic, at the same time.

But hey, if you'd rather worry about a holster for your phone, you stick to your thread... I don't go into it and tell you that holsters are for hicks, how about you stay out of mine and allow someone who has something productive to contribute?
You might want to come down off your high horse and listen to what has been told to you. Certain things can't be done with Android just like third party apps aren't allowed on ios.

Me wanting a holster is far different from you wanting the device to perform an action that it can't.

Attacking me just shows your ignorance and inability to not conform and understand what the device can and cant do.

As for my holster being a fashion accessory, well, I'm sure it is as outdated as that small dog you carry around in your purse.
Certain things can't be done with Android just like third party apps aren't allowed on ios.

Me wanting a holster is far different from you wanting the device to perform an action that it can't.

Attacking me just shows your ignorance and inability to not conform and understand what the device can and cant do.

Guess iOS is better then.

But you keep saying "perform an action that Android doesn't allow third party apps to do" yet CLEARLY many have posted that Pandora does it, so it's NOT an OS imposed limitation.

Anyhow, I'm arguing with someone clearly disinterested in the subject. I'd never go in another thread that I'm now knowledgable in and start posting attacks, not sure why you do it.

If anyone who actually knows the matter wants to pipe in I'd appreciate it greatly. There's got to be a way to force an app to stay alive in the background, or an app that already allows for native background audio streaming like Pandora, but with a user-defined standard stream. Any input would be appreciated.
Guess iOS is better then.

But you keep saying "perform an action that Android doesn't allow third party apps to do" yet CLEARLY many have posted that Pandora does it, so it's NOT an OS imposed limitation.

Anyhow, I'm arguing with someone clearly disinterested in the subject. I'd never go in another thread that I'm now knowledgable in and start posting attacks, not sure why you do it.

If anyone who actually knows the matter wants to pipe in I'd appreciate it greatly. There's got to be a way to force an app to stay alive in the background, or an app that already allows for native background audio streaming like Pandora, but with a user-defined standard stream. Any input would be appreciated.

iOS is better because of 1 thing that seems to be a minor issue? You really are short-sighted. The browser shuts off to conserve power, tbh I never tried that with my iPhone 4 when I had it, guess it was one of those great features that I never used.

Beyond that I will give you a tip, when you are on a forum and you ask for help attacking someone in the thread is not the best thing you can do. You might want to try being nice, maybe even courteous, then you are more likely to get the help you are requesting.

Now if any help you get doesn't fit what you want to hear, its not the posters fault you take a tiny issue so seriously. Honestly at this point even if I had the answer I wouldn't tell you just based on your attitude in this thread.

Good luck to you..
iOS is better because of 1 thing that seems to be a minor issue? You really are short-sighted. The browser shuts off to conserve power, tbh I never tried that with iPhone when I had it, guess it was one of those great features that I never used.

Beyond that I will give you a tip, when you are on a forum and you ask for help attacking someone in the thread is not the best thing you can do. You might want to try being nice, maybe even courteous, then you are more likely to get the help you are requesting.

Now if any help you get doesn't fit what you want to hear, its not the posters fault you take a tiny issue so seriously. Honestly at this point even if I had the answer I wouldn't tell you just based on your attitude in this thread.

Good luck to you..

I'm not attacking because you don't want to help, I'm attacking you because you're trying to be a know-it-all and you didn't even read my post. You keep going back to saying the browser closes in the background, but this has nothing to do with a browser, it's a separate app that's a STREAMING AUDIO PLAYER. READ WHAT PEOPLE WRITE BEFORE RESPONDING.

I'm not overly lost without assistance from you. Looking at your post history you have a track record of piping in to boost your post count, not to actually help. Wow, that's what your post was that I'm replying to.

When you reply, you should at least read the comment you're quoting.
I'm not attacking because you don't want to help, I'm attacking you because you're trying to be a know-it-all and you didn't even read my post. You keep going back to saying the browser closes in the background, but this has nothing to do with a browser, it's a separate app that's a STREAMING AUDIO PLAYER. READ WHAT PEOPLE WRITE BEFORE RESPONDING.

I'm not overly lost without assistance from you. Looking at your post history you have a track record of piping in to boost your post count, not to actually help. Wow, that's what your post was that I'm replying to.

When you reply, you should at least read the comment you're quoting.

As the user above said, you need to get off your high horse. Find a new app on the market and try it, develop one that doesn't go to sleep with the phone, or go back to the iPhone.. for one feature.

My point was to tell you that you will get nowhere acting as childish and immature are you are now when you are trying to get help. Ask for help, if you don't get the answer you want to hear do not attack the person for simply suggesting something or offering their advice, thats the whole point of a forum. If you don't like the advice given ignore it, don't berate the person for it like you did with Ragin Cajun, doing so is simply immmature, childish, and makes you look like an ass.
As the user above said, you need to get off your high horse. Find a new app on the market and try it, develop one that doesn't go to sleep with the phone, or go back to the iPhone.. for one feature.

My point was to tell you that you will get nowhere acting as childish and immature are you are now when you are trying to get help. Ask for help, if you don't get the answer you want to hear do not attack the person for simply suggesting something or offering their advice, thats the whole point of a forum. If you don't like the advice given ignore it, don't berate the person for it like you did with Ragin Cajun, doing so is simply immmature, childish, and makes you look like an ass.

If someone asks how to transfer a song to the phone, and you say "figure it out" that doesn't help in any way, so why would you say it?

You did the same thing. I said I couldn't find an app that'd allow me to keep the built-in Streaming Audio or VPlayer open in the background to allow a stream to continue and you said "well then make an app" ...

That's such an uneducated response, it baffles me why you'd accuse ME of being immature. If I wanted to write an app that did it, why would I ask for those WITH KNOWLEDGE for a solution? I wouldn't, I would have just written an app.

Nevermind, you're clearly not someone who has any helpful solution.

I have not acted childish. I have a right to be upset when someone comes into a thread where I ask for help, then choses not to read the issue I'm having, then tells me if I want something I should figure it out myself. Yeah, I take issue with that.
Ok after a quick Google search I got these suggestions, which I tried with the link thing from your first post. both ran in the background as I was doing other things

Servestream or xiialive lite. I found the xiialive one worked better.
Ok after a quick Google search I got these suggestions, which I tried with the link thing from your first post. both ran in the background as I was doing other things

Servestream or xiialive lite. I found the xiialive one worked better.

THANK YOU! I just tried XIIALIVE and it works FANTASTIC! It's exactly what I was looking for and I appreciate your help finding it. Not sure why my search didn't come up with it, but I greatly appreciate it, you made my day :-)
No problem. Me and the google are one

Now Android is not lacking a feature that the iPhone has.

Also in case you can't figure out how to stop the streaming pull down your notification bar and press the icon which brings the app up and there is a stop button along the bottom of the screen. Took me a minute to figure that out
No problem. Me and the google are one

Now Android is not lacking a feature that the iPhone has.

Also in case you can't figure out how to stop the streaming pull down your notification bar and press the icon which brings the app up and there is a stop button along the bottom of the screen. Took me a minute to figure that out

Yeah I realized that after... I knew Android could do it, just needed help finding it. Thankfully for helpful people like you :-)
Neither of these apps will work with what I'm trying to do.

Try to get anything from the911center.com to play, but nothing.
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