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Anyone else NOT using the battery cover?


Android Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2010
Howdy gang-
I am about a month into my Nexus ownership. Overall, loving it. Previous phone was a Moto Droid (origonal) that was rooted, rom'ed, over clocked, under volt'ed, the whole stick. So far I have not felt the need to do anything to my GNex - it is smooooth and fast. but anyway -

Has anyone else quit using the battery covers? I have the extended battery and 2 normal batteries, and the 'standard' hard case with kickstand that VZW gives with most phones. I week or two ago, I figured out that the hardcase will fit with the extended battery, if I leave the phone's back cover off... Looking thru the holes in the kickstand, I can see the battery - it is a snug fit (can't fit a piece of paper in there)but it does not seem to be binding...

Anyone else do this? Any issues to look out for? What is the over/under on how long till I kill the battery this way? :)
Howdy gang-
I am about a month into my Nexus ownership. Overall, loving it. Previous phone was a Moto Droid (origonal) that was rooted, rom'ed, over clocked, under volt'ed, the whole stick. So far I have not felt the need to do anything to my GNex - it is smooooth and fast. but anyway -

Has anyone else quit using the battery covers? I have the extended battery and 2 normal batteries, and the 'standard' hard case with kickstand that VZW gives with most phones. I week or two ago, I figured out that the hardcase will fit with the extended battery, if I leave the phone's back cover off... Looking thru the holes in the kickstand, I can see the battery - it is a snug fit (can't fit a piece of paper in there)but it does not seem to be binding...

Anyone else do this? Any issues to look out for? What is the over/under on how long till I kill the battery this way? :)

If it's super snug I would think the only issues you could run into are dust/crud/lint working its way into the back of the phone and if you dropped it (sudden jolt) could jar the battery loose momentarily and power the phone off and/or reboot it. I wouldn't carry my phone this way, but that's just me :)
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Last night was the first time in a few weeks I felt the need to swap batteries. When I pulled the hard-case off the phone, there was a decent amount of pocket-lint around the battery and SIM card slot, but it all blew off easy. Today I am running the standard battery for the first time in about three weeks. We'll see if I make it thru the day without plugging it... :)
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And just make sure it's not putting pressure on the screen. I had the DX extended battery with the regular battery cover over it when I was using it. It fit fine, but when I dropped the phone one time from pocket height onto wood floors, it made some black dots/ lines in the screen. I think it was because the battery was putting more pressure on the screen.
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And just make sure it's not putting pressure on the screen. I had the DX extended battery with the regular battery cover over it when I was using it. It fit fine, but when I dropped the phone one time from pocket height onto wood floors, it made some black dots/ lines in the screen. I think it was because the battery was putting more pressure on the screen.

Great point I would definitely check for this ^
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