I'm planning on it as soon as a few more Android phones come onto Verizon.
Coming from a Storm I 9530, I'm hoping for a few changes.
Overall, I think the 9530 has been a pretty good phone for me, other than the Suretouch. I went though 5 in 8 months. One was an insurance replacement, so it doesn't count, but the other 3 had bad screen clickers. The one I have has been good as far as that goes, but I still have a few bones to pick with it.
Do I hate my Storm?? No...I just don't like it much, even though I tried.
I don't like the clunky browser......it's slow, even with Javascript disabled.
OS 5.0.328 helped the phone, but it still freezes, and still has memory leaks.
You would think RIMM would have figured things out after all these years.
E-mail is quick and easy, but otherwise is nothing to write home about.
I would much rather have my images with my emails, as well.............
Radio use is touch and go with my Storm, where my wife's LG is much better overall, and I do regular *228 updates, as well.
The phone does strange things on a regular basis. One of it's favorites is the speakerphone kicking in for 2-3 seconds, then back to handset.
It also resets quite a bit,too, and I do regular battery pulls every other night, and very few Apps. I have even gone through my apps, thinking an app may have been trouble, but nope. Verizon offered me the 9550 Storm 2 through a multi-fru, but I didn't feel like pushing my upgrade date ahead by 20 months, so I still have a 9530. The only advantage of going to a 9550 Storm 2 is that the screen will probably work better. Otherwise, it's the same old RIMM phone, and I'm not doing it anymore, considering I pay a premium price every month to have a smartphone.
I am hoping one of the Android phones will be better for me.
Since I'm not a fan of Motorola at all (for many reasons), I am steering towards the Eris, which seems to be a better phone if you don't want a physical keyboard, and it gets 2.0 or better.
I think I'm gonna stick it out a bit longer though, and see what comes up in the next few months.
I have a feeling I am gonna find what I'm looking for.......a touchscreen smartphone that's fast, reliable, and works with minimal issues. That doesn't seem like much to ask