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Root App/Programs related to rooting

I'm sorry for asking this, but I'm trying to get the apps and programs I need to backup, recover and root my Commando 4g. The only real data I need are text messages, the other backups are to keep me from loosing the OS. I'm seeing contradictory reviews related to each and the play store does not let you see feedback based on your device. I was hoping that someone who was successful with this phone can provided some verification or reassurance that I'm getting apps that will work, even if paid.

I'm going to use a borrowed Windows 7 to do this and my phone's info is: C811 Android 4.1.2 Baseband M8960A-1.5.38_C811M070 Kernel 3.4.0.

I feel confident that with that info I can follow the rest of the guide without issue.

Just to note that my end game is to get it to work with T-Mobile's data network (I use GPS often) and I understand I'm SOL on 4g. Right now I'm using the Kyocera Brigadier, but prefer the Commando (crazy?)

Thank you for your time.
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OK, since I've gotten no reply, I had to just jump in and try. Helium had worked even free to get the text messages I needed so I upgraded to premium. I bought both titanium and offline sim APM. I tried to download a couple of Rooter's from the forum but the links were bad (lots of 404's). I found motorooter and it said it worked but when I tried to test it was not rooted. I found Kingo Root which did work but would not hold on restart.
Am I missing something? Does someone have copies of the other programs I can use? I feel like I'm really close, but I need a little more help.
Thank you in advance.
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Very epic! This was more than I could hope for. I preordered a computer to finish this because the person I was borrowing the computer from was a jerk about it then later told me he only needed it for YouTube when he has 3 tablets, 2 smart phones and HDMI capabilities, so its not like he was left wanting. So I'm getting Intel's Compute Stick just to get me through. I'll follow up on both when I'm done, but thanks again
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