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App (Tasker?) for disabling wifi when sending MMS?


Android Enthusiast
Is there an app that will automatically disable wifi when you're texting or sending a picture message? I know this phone has issues sending MMS messages when you're still connected to wifi, and I always forget to turn it off before I send a picture message. Please let me know if something like this exists, or feel free to run with the idea and develop an app if it doesn't.

Thanks to all in advance for any suggestions. Will Tasker do the job? Can it be set up to turn wifi off when Messaging app is opened, and turn it back on when Messaging is turned off? Please help.
Which ROM are you on? I'm running LiquidSmooth and still have the problem of sending pictures with text, especially to iphones.
Is there an app that will automatically disable wifi when you're texting or sending a picture message? I know this phone has issues sending MMS messages when you're still connected to wifi, and I always forget to turn it off before I send a picture message. Please let me know if something like this exists, or feel free to run with the idea and develop an app if it doesn't.

Thanks to all in advance for any suggestions. Will Tasker do the job? Can it be set up to turn wifi off when Messaging app is opened, and turn it back on when Messaging is turned off? Please help.

Ya, Tasker can turn WiFi off when your messaging app is open. Make a new profile, select application, select your messaging app. Then, add a task, go to net, then WiFi, then change set to "off".

When you open your messaging app, WiFi will turn off, and when you leave the app, WiFi will turn back on.
Which ROM are you on? I'm running LiquidSmooth and still have the problem of sending pictures with text, especially to iphones.

I think iPhones have really weird issues receiving text messages from Android phones in the first place. I've sent some to my sister before where my phone says successfully sent but she never receives it on her 4S. Maybe its partially a VZW issue? I dunno.

But anyhow I'm using Bugless Beast at the moment.
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