Bob Maxey
Android Expert
The thing is, BOB, that this discussion is not about the hundreds of bussiness that barely get by. It is about "mega-corporations" with BILLIONS in profits, paying their execs HUNDREDS of MILLIONS. I have run a business for many years, and even in this economy, I am still doing all right. I haven't run a multi billion dollar company, but then again, neither have you. I think a lot of economists would disagree with you about taxes going up hurting everyone. Especially considering, the increased taxes need to go to those execs that "earn" hundreds of millions. Or to the business' that "earn" billions. And by "going up" I mean, getting less welfare.....
You are correct. I do not run a multi-billion dollar business. But I do surprisingly well.
There will be smaller concerns growing up. And whatever rules, laws, edicts, tax code changes you apply to the large concerns will filter down to the smaller concerns.