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Apple earnings fall short of expectations: is Apple in trouble?

Over the past few years, Apple has gone to extraordinary lengths to "institutionalize" Steve's design and business philosophies ... and a lot of that is now a pretty integral part of the company's DNA. The loss of the Steve Jobs charisma factor can't be discounted, but I think that his design philosophy and entrepreneurial drive have been effectively absorbed by the company as a whole.

No company can stay at the top of its game forever, but I think Apple will still be in a very good position for the foreseeable future.
Apple is Apple. They'll never be in trouble simple because they're Apple and the media is their puppet.

As much as I hate how they've began to go about their business, I still own dozens of their devices and will most likely continue to purchase them because I was a fan of them from the get go. Even now I type this reply on my Macbook Pro.

It's like supporting your country. Yeah the crap they do now is messed up but you still support them because it's YOUR country.
Well, if he was as beloved in company as he was publicly, there will be efforts to carry on his vision, maybe even his legacy and style as far as innovation.

People in the company can try to emulate Jobs, but that won't work in the long run. You can't just wake up one day and say "I'm going to become a creative and marketing genius" any more than I can just decide that I'm going to go hit .400 in the majors next year. Jobs didn't decide to be what he was, he was just that way. And you can't recreate that with a bureaucracy. They can try, and it may work for a short time, but it will ultimately fail. Apple needs to either continue on and try to fake Jobs and fail, or set a new paradigm and go in a different direction. I think that's their only chance for long term success, since the person they relied heavily on for their image and attitude is now dead, and they don't have anyone to replace him.
It wasnt long ago Apple was on its deathbed and if wasnt for the likes of Billy boy they would nolonger be. With that said stocks have long gone as a sign of health. Ive watched too many bad companies rise and too manygreat companies fall in the market. Its about a quickbuck and when shorting is added to the mixwell everything gets messed up.
As for Apple though, I do think they are on a downward spiral like a Sony Walkman of the 80s.it wont be overnight but applehas no real value added products out thereespecially on the business side.
Apple makes more money than most of us could even imagine and they are falling? lol.. nahh.

I think there is a severe inability to grasp the idea of 6 billion dollars..

I mean we hear these numbers all the time, but I think we get desensitized to the fact that 6 billion is alot of money.

I mean really.. just because congress throws it around so casually doesn't mean the reality is that 6 bill is more than a large majority of us will ever own/see in our lives..

I do think apple is going to decline in the long term but, they have a lot of fight left.
Its because people were expecting a major upgrade but they just got a few tweaks and a entertaining application called, Siri.
Steve Jobs gone, and competitors coming up with new cool phones must be effecting, but they are fine...
Even old people and little kids have iphones now.
And iPhone made it easier for people to switch from NT to mac, so, they will be ok for a while.

however there will be the inevitable downfall as the charisma dies and the company becomes institutionalized.
Like, SONY.
...however there will be the inevitable downfall as the charisma dies and the company becomes institutionalized.
Like, SONY.

We will need to wait and see what's what. Too soon to say what Apple's new leaders will do. Jobs was deeply associated with Apple to be sure, but just because he is dead, that does not mean the magic will soon end.

No telling what Apple will release.
We will need to wait and see what's what. Too soon to say what Apple's new leaders will do. Jobs was deeply associated with Apple to be sure, but just because he is dead, that does not mean the magic will soon end.

No telling what Apple will release.

I hope so Bob Maxey :)
As much as I am skeptical, I still want to look forward to Apple's press conferences etc.
I hope so Bob Maxey :)
As much as I am skeptical, I still want to look forward to Apple's press conferences etc.

Two ways to go: Apple can keep Job's spirit alive and strive for amazing products or they can turn Uber-corporate and start releasing products more frequently that fail. they could license iOS or not; (most likely not) they could release a 7-inch iPad or not, or perhaps a new phone every two or three months.

Not sure what Apple will do now that Steve is gone. One thing I do know, it will be interesting to watch.
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