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Apple OS X - any programs to sync?

Haven't been able to find any programs or info on being able to link my Spring Hero up to my Apple PowerBook to sync with my contact list, address book, and calendar. Are there any programs out there for this? I suppose I can do it the long way, and do some sort of export to my windows laptop, but would like to avoid this step if possible.

I looked long and hard at the iPhone vs. the Hero, and decided the Hero, besides having the obvious battery removal and SD expansion capabilities, would be open to more programs potential because of the open-source, linux-style OS.

I'm hoping that as time goes by, programs will be written to allow syncing with Apple computers, and OS X. It's hard to believe that almost nothing has been written in the forums on this subject. Please point me to any topics along this thread, or others in other forums if you know of them.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I looked at the Missing Sync website, and for now, the Double Twist looked the easiest to setup, so I installed it and was able to go into my SD folders and drag out pictures, and drag in some of my music mp3's.

Poopsie, I'm a bit behind the "cloud" curve, but intend to read more about it, and see if that will eventually make syncing easier for me. if you have any links or suggestions for me on this, I would truly appreciate it.
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