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Root apps to SD card

The desire seems to have a ridiculously small storage capacity on the phone. at first this was kind of annoying. now, as my flash and market apps among others are getting heavier, it's becoming too much of a problem.

so i'm thinking of rooting. the only reason i want to root is for being able to put apps on SD card. namely flash and google market. now, these are not widgets, so i assume i could do this.

but i'm a little worried about rooting, about problems i might have with putting apps on my SD card, or otherwise.

I'm also wondering which rom to get, but i'm thinking miui. i am already using launcher pro, and i think those play well. but i'm wondering if maybe there are other better options for roms.

really for me the main things i want from a rom, i think, is just looks and smooth hassle free functionality. so maybe there are other better ones someone can recommend, or maybe other criteria i should consider.

i'm a total noob with rooting, so i have no idea how to go about it, i'm sure you guys hear that alot, and i assume there's a thread or resource that can help me with that, but what i'm really wondering about is whether there are little quirks or things i would want to know about before diving in and rooting.

any advice is welcome and appreciated.
Read all the rooting faqs and guides in the stickies in this forum. At the top of the page in Dedire - all things root. That's all you need
ok well, i've read alot of the faq's and abotu apps to sd, and honestly, there is alot of information there. i know i'm going t ouse unrevoked, i know i'm going to use miui-au, and i know i want a gb of sd available for my apps. apparently i can put anything over there without issue widget or otherwise. not sure how that works in practice though.

my main problem is that there is so much information, and people tend to assume people reading the steps of procedue are very familiar already with rooting which i find quite annoying.
are there any good videos that show the rooting process? i tried to find some on youtube, but everybody just showed themselves plugging their desire into their computer, with unrevoked running, and that's it. but there is more to it than that if i'm not mistaken. they often alluded to other thigns anyways like "make sure you did this first, or that first" which is quite annoying, because i'm watching a video that hopefully would have shown them doing those things first.

idk, i'm getting quite jaded over the rooting process, and apps 2 sd, because i feel like there's so much to read through and i don't feel like spending my life becoming a phone expert. i just want to free up more hdd space on my phone.
Just look into rooting first and read all the FAQs on here. If you're on 2.2 then look for Unrevoked, if on 2.3 I think you need Revolutionary or to downgrade.

Don't worry about Apps2SD until you've rooted. Take it one step at a time.

Once rooted (nothing much will have changed and you will not have lost anything) take a look for a new rom and look out for ones that use A2SD+ which I think is the best step for a newbie rooter. All you need is to partition your SD card for this to work with a suitable rom. There is no moving of apps - you just fool the phone into thinking its got more memory. Even widgets work fine.
It's a whole lot of reading. I read and reread the guides several times until I understood enough to feel okay rooting.

If you don't know what you are doing, you're begging for trouble. The reason for this is that there are several different builds of Desires. Depending on which type you have, you need to do slightly different things to succeed.

The sad truth, now as always, is that nothing is ever easy!
Must admit I felt really nervous about this as well. Can't afford to brick my phone, but really annoyed that I have to forever watch space. Better things to do with my life!
The guides here are very good, but very detailed so can seem daunting. You don't need to do it all in one go though! Break it down into steps. That's what I did. Tackle one step at a time - and focus on that. You know what end result you want, more space.
For that, you need to root. Once rooted, then you need to do your gold card and backups. From then, you need to choose a ROM - one with the ability to put apps on SD. The ROM will have a list of requirements about what it needs to work (partition on card, custom hboot or whatever) so then you do your research on those.
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