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AppStore apps on the Nexus One (Hypothetical)


Hey guys, I don't know if I should post this question here or somewhere else, but I'm kinda new and since the question I'm asking involves the nexus one this should be as good place as any other.

Here's the question:
Could you (hypothetically) run Appstore apps (I.E. Apps for iPhone) on the nexus one? And I know that the nexus doesn't have the same kind of multitouch and stuff like that like the iPhone, but for running apps like "Sleep Watcher" for example that doesn't use any kind multitouch features shouldn't you be able to mount it?

Hypothetically, ofcourse ;)
Can't I run PS3 games on Xbox360?

I know they don't use the same controller, but they should still mount, right?

Lol, sorry to poke fun at you a little, but the answer to your question is no. The iPhone OS is completely different from Android, though they run on similar hardware. The only way to even attempt this would be an emulator, and those usually require 10x the hardware of the device you're trying to emulate to actually run well.
Can't I run PS3 games on Xbox360?

I know they don't use the same controller, but they should still mount, right?

Lol, sorry to poke fun at you a little, but the answer to your question is no. The iPhone OS is completely different from Android, though they run on similar hardware. The only way to even attempt this would be an emulator, and those usually require 10x the hardware of the device you're trying to emulate to actually run well.

its been done. I have an Xbox with emulators for all major platforms. ;) not to say you couldn't dual boot iPhones OS on an n1 but more importantly, why? just rewrite the program.
A follow-up question:
Is there any program/way to convert an AppStore app (.IPA) into whatever format Android reads, then installing the app from the memory card to the phone-memory? I know, i'm aiming way to high, but some genius could find a way, right? This would probably mean that you have to hack it.
A follow-up question:
Is there any program/way to convert an AppStore app (.IPA) into whatever format Android reads, then installing the app from the memory card to the phone-memory? I know, i'm aiming way to high, but some genius could find a way, right? This would probably mean that you have to hack it.

No, there is no way for the end-user (you) to automatically convert an application from an iPhone format to Android. iPhone apps are written in a programming language called Objective-C, while Android uses Java. For an iPhone app to run on Android, the developer would have to "port" the application from Objective-C to Java. Most developers will tell you that there is really no easy way to do this and most of the time they just re-write the program...
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