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AT&T 3G, only getting around 1mbps speed

Same exact thing happened to mine. I quadruple checked the bands, part number, etc, etc, and the 3G data was so slow. About an hour later, it sped up, but frankly scared me off. My SIM is tied to my Atrix (4g plan) so I thought that was it. Tried my wife's SIM and it was still slow.

There is nothing wrong with the phone and it is the AT&T band model. I'm not sure what the deal is. I've read similar reports of this as well.

I have mine on eBay and an frankly a bit concerned whomever buys it will have slow data and accuse me of selling a defective phone. It's not defective. There is just something strange going on the how the AT&T network dishes out 3G speeds to it. I haven't a clue because the bands are an exact match for US AT&T 3g.

Anyone else want to chime in? This is fascinating and concerning all at the same time...
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