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Root Autokiller and CPUBoost are my saviors

If I didn't know about those two programs, then I would have hated this phone even worse than ever.

Ever since I have installed NonsensikalFroyo 16.1, I've deleted Autokiller and SetCPU off from my phone, believing perhaps going "natural" is the way for this phone. Somehow SetCPU did not work out too well for me, and Autokiller didn't seem to do much for my phone somehow.

But then, my phone started to lag so bad. While texting, my phone would hang for a second and type the words that I've already typed in like few seconds ago super fast all the sudden. When I get a call, the screen doesn't turn on right away. First, the phone vibrates, second, the ringtone plays a while later, and then probably 8~10 seconds later, the screen turns on.

Sometimes my phone lagged so much, I had to pull the battery out just to reset.

I was roaming around and found out about CPUBoost, and saw a testimony of installing both CPUBoost and Autokiller to make the phone faster.

I'm so glad I've stumbled upon that testimony. Ever since I installed Autokiller, set the profile on Strict, and CPUBoost on ondemand (no overclocking over 710) the phone seems to be in a reliable speed. Virtually less lags for sure. The phone call lag seemed to be disappeared as well as keyboard press lag.

I played around with the settings listed above a bit more, and I've concluded CPUBoost is more reliable when set on "interactive." Somehow "ondemand" setting lagged my music player every 10 sec or so. Interactive takes care of all the problem. Nice.
nonsensikal is OC'd by default, cpuboost shouldn't do much.

but yeah, i've had good results with autokiller before.
yep CPUboost isn't doing ANYTHING if you have it clocked at 710 unless the default governer is different then on demand (in which case its just a governer switch). Its all autokiller.
Interactive or OnDemand are really the way to go if you are going to use anything that streams or plays audio with the screen off, SmartAss is a battery lifesaver, but it really lags the phone with the screen off.
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