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Barclaycard Pay Tag....


Well-Known Member
Anyone using it?

I've been sent another one and I can't quite get my head round the lack of security.

Basically it's an NFC card which you stick to the back of your phone (or wherever) and it allows you to make small purchases upto
This is part of the problem. We are more than willing to trade security for convenience.

My number one rule is this: I just assume everything stored on my iPad, phone or the PC that I allow to connect to the net will eventually be found on the Internet. Just assume that and decide what you want uploaded, revealed, traded, sold and abused.

The security problem is uber-easy to deal with: avoid the card, NFC transactions and electronic banking altogether.
Yup. I'm very careful that anything I store on my phone and lappie couldn't be used to get into bank accounts etc. Any notes are coded reminders. Even when stored in something password protected.

Unfortunately, I find I have to use on-line banking though. Don't like it, but I find it's unavoidable these days. A couple of my bank accounts do use login dongles which I believe are a tad more secure .. unless someone's cracked the number generation algorithm, of course.
I spoke to Barclaycard and they said that every 4th transaction requires a pin. That's all fine and dandy but even so, you could find yourself fighting to reclaim
In the back of my hand?! It's bad enough they steal my phone when they mug me: I don't want them cutting off my hand! :)
Nice ideas, badly thought out. Something like this might work:

'Wallet' app on the phone that you can put a fixed amount of cash into(Using 2 factor authentication, like PIN and SMS code) and before you can spend it, enter a different pin in the phone which opens the wallet for (say) 30 minutes and closes it after one transaction.
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