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May 20, 2012
I have the extended battery & I get great life out of my battery even if its connected to Wifi all day. My problem is outside of home either work or elsewhere when it runs off of 4G or 3G..the phone/battery gets warm after little use. Also, obviously when it does that the battery life also suffers. Does it sound like a bad/defective battery?
I have the extended battery & I get great life out of my battery even if its connected to Wifi all day. My problem is outside of home either work or elsewhere when it runs off of 4G or 3G..the phone/battery gets warm after little use. Also, obviously when it does that the battery life also suffers. Does it sound like a bad/defective battery?

Yea overtime that might wear with your battery but I mean is nothing you have to worry about. When you had your regular battery did it get warm when you were on 4 g also?
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i would imagine, if you arent using it then you have background apps that are constantly running, for me i noticed it with my droid x
i ran carrier coverage (i think thats what it was) and because it updated alot it caused my battery to heat up alot, but not once have i worried about the battery because these things can take a great deal of punishment
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