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Battery life after update...holy cow!

My battery life hasn't improved at all...I'm still getting about ~3 hours of talk time...compared to the 6.4 quoted? I calculate this all the time based on when my phone hits a certain % gone and how much % was used on voice calls, to calculate how many minutes it would last...always around 180-200 minutes.

I can't comprehend how all these people around here say 'I've been playing with my phone fairly heavily all morning (4 hours) and I'm still on 100%'. I'd be at about 50% after that kind of usage. And trust me, I have the phone stripped of everything to not use battery. Wifi, BT, etc always off. Screen minimum brightness. My screen timeout is 15 seconds but I always turn it off right when im done using it. I constantly close unused applications that are running. Love the phone, but seems like I have to restrain myself from using any of its fun features if I want the battery to last a decent amount of time

I do notice that my signal is fairly weak in my apartment. Usually 1-2 bars, not sure if some battery is getting eaten up tryin to keep a signal. Any input? I did forget to charge it all the way up right off the bat before using it the first time, not sure if that is hurting me or not. I've read opinions both ways on that.
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I haven't really noticed any difference after the update (OTA not manual), but either way my battery life is pretty fantastic. I unplugged my phone at 7am this morning. It's now nearly 6pm and I'm at 50% battery life.

I spent about an hour streaming music from Pandora, another hour and a half or so listening to podcasts through BeyondPod (some already downloaded, some streamed), I have FeedR running an hourly update on 13 feeds, and I spent a fair amount of time reading my feeds on there. In addition to the normal texting, email reading, etc. My brightness is set to automatic as well, which means it's several notches above the lowest setting, since I'm in a brightly lit office environment.
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I haven't really noticed any difference after the update (OTA not manual), but either way my battery life is pretty fantastic. I unplugged my phone at 7am this morning. It's now nearly 6pm and I'm at 50% battery life.

I spent about an hour streaming music from Pandora, another hour and a half or so listening to podcasts through BeyondPod (some already downloaded, some streamed), I have FeedR running an hourly update on 13 feeds, and I spent a fair amount of time reading my feeds on there. In addition to the normal texting, email reading, etc. My brightness is set to automatic as well, which means it's several notches above the lowest setting, since I'm in a brightly lit office environment.

This is around what I'm seeing. Before update 12-20 hours after 16-24+.
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Got the OTA update and my battery is considerably WORSE. Very light use today and it's been on the charger 3 times today. It also appears to be charging much slower. Very annoying.

Whats drawing most of your juice? These varying reports make me wonder if an app thats not compatible w/ the new API stack is sucking a bit of extra juice do to wasted CPU ticks...
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Manual update here, and significantly better battery life. Power consumption is down by almost half on voice calls, and also significantly down on the OS and data. Unfortunately and disappointingly no improvement in 1x signal strength, and improvement in 1x voice quality is one-sided; I can hear the caller better but they can't hear me better.
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Like so many others, I have also seen a drastic improvement in battery life after the update. I used my phone all day at work, then streamed Pandora all the way to school through rush hour traffic. (Just over an hour drive) And now I am home for the night. Still sitting at 50%. Nice.

Edit: I let my droid update OTA.
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Got the OTA update and my battery is considerably WORSE. Very light use today and it's been on the charger 3 times today. It also appears to be charging much slower. Very annoying.

OK, I'm taking my foot out of my mouth now. I got a multimedia dock today and was using it for charging. I realized I hadn't been pushing the Droid far enough down into it to start charging. When the clock came on I was assuming it was connected. It wasn't. Dohhhhhhh......

So, anyway.......forget what I said about my battery being worse after the update. :eek:
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My battery life hasn't improved at all...I'm still getting about ~3 hours of talk time...compared to the 6.4 quoted? I calculate this all the time based on when my phone hits a certain % gone and how much % was used on voice calls, to calculate how many minutes it would last...always around 180-200 minutes.

I can't comprehend how all these people around here say 'I've been playing with my phone fairly heavily all morning (4 hours) and I'm still on 100%'. I'd be at about 50% after that kind of usage. And trust me, I have the phone stripped of everything to not use battery. Wifi, BT, etc always off. Screen minimum brightness. My screen timeout is 15 seconds but I always turn it off right when im done using it. I constantly close unused applications that are running. Love the phone, but seems like I have to restrain myself from using any of its fun features if I want the battery to last a decent amount of time

I do notice that my signal is fairly weak in my apartment. Usually 1-2 bars, not sure if some battery is getting eaten up tryin to keep a signal. Any input? I did forget to charge it all the way up right off the bat before using it the first time, not sure if that is hurting me or not. I've read opinions both ways on that.

That will drain you battery faster (the low signal).
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I've seen improvement on my battery life. At the end of the day, I was still at 40%. I streamed music via bluetooth in the morning going to work ( 45mins or less) and going home (1 hr 15 mins, stupid LA traffic). I took two conference calls on my phone about 1 hr total and I text'd like crazy today. Along with the normal calls and internet use, I think my battery improved.
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My battery life hasn't improved at all...I'm still getting about ~3 hours of talk time...compared to the 6.4 quoted? I calculate this all the time based on when my phone hits a certain % gone and how much % was used on voice calls, to calculate how many minutes it would last...always around 180-200 minutes.

I can't comprehend how all these people around here say 'I've been playing with my phone fairly heavily all morning (4 hours) and I'm still on 100%'. I'd be at about 50% after that kind of usage. And trust me, I have the phone stripped of everything to not use battery. Wifi, BT, etc always off. Screen minimum brightness. My screen timeout is 15 seconds but I always turn it off right when im done using it. I constantly close unused applications that are running. Love the phone, but seems like I have to restrain myself from using any of its fun features if I want the battery to last a decent amount of time

I do notice that my signal is fairly weak in my apartment. Usually 1-2 bars, not sure if some battery is getting eaten up tryin to keep a signal. Any input? I did forget to charge it all the way up right off the bat before using it the first time, not sure if that is hurting me or not. I've read opinions both ways on that.

First, talk time should be the same - it still takes the same amount of power. This will never change, unless signal strength changes.

Second, when you get weak signal, the phone has to increase it's signal transmission strength and increase it's amplification of the signal it receives from the cell network. Both consume more power.

The biggest thing to remember is YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary. What others get, you will not necessarily also get.
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Rather decent improvement for me. Very limited calling, but heavy texting and surfing. I could easily go two days without charging and not worry about anything. Haven't had a single FC yet after the update and overall response is much better. I do tend to keep most of my apps. not running unless I am using them. So background apps. are kept at a minimum. Same habit before update, so this probably has no effect on my batt. performance, merely the update itself made the improvement.
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