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Help Battery running down


Android Enthusiast
Jan 22, 2011
Over the last few days I have noticed that my battery is running down way more quickly than usual on my GN7000. Previously it would last the whole day. I am not a power user but do check the phone frequently and use it as calendar, surf, email etc.

When I realised that it seemed to be running down quickly, I checked for rogue apps but nothing looked particularly unusual. I have deliberately not used it very much over the last couple of days to see what would happen and with very little usage today, after 8 hours it is down to 42% and dropping quickly. Battery settings show that the biggest users are Android OS at 26%, Lookout 21% and screen 14%. Lookout has consistently shown over 20% in the last few days when I have checked but I'm not sure if this just looks high because nothing much else has been used. I have just uninstalled Lookout to see if that makes any difference but I do find it useful so don't really want to lose it.

My battery is a year old and is a 3500 MAH after market. It could just be a knackered battery but it seems quite sudden. Any thoughts please?
Have switched back to my original battery to see if that makes a difference but that's pretty much the same. Mind you, I ditched that because it didn't last long. Am thinking that it's time for a new battery. Can anyone recommend a decent one please? The one I've been using was a Baixt 3500Mah but the same supplier only supplies 2800Mah now so looking for something a bit bigger.
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Have switched back to my original battery to see if that makes a difference but that's pretty much the same. Mind you, I ditched that because it didn't last long. Am thinking that it's time for a new battery. Can anyone recommend a decent one please? The one I've been using was a Baixt 3500Mah but the same supplier only supplies 2800Mah now so looking for something a bit bigger.

Sorry I can't help you directly. However, if you have some time to review the results, it might be worth doing an 'Advanced search', 'Threads started by user' for twister6 on the Note 2 forum. Also include the 'Keyword' term 'battery' and 'Search titles only' or you will be swamped by the results.

The battery of the Note 2 is different from the Note 1 but it may help you to locate a good manufacturer.
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Just updating to say that it appears that it was Lookout causing the problem. I experimented with the 2 different batteries and with/without Lookout to find that it only when I was running Lookout that I had the battery running down. Strange as I'd run it for a couple of years with no problem.
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