That is really really nice brettlewis, I would definitely use it! If you need to be put in contact with some dev's let me know, I have a few of them in my gtalk. That is much nicer looking the BW or WW, one suggestions is if you can make skins for different colors, maybe not in your first release but it would be something to work on later.
P.S. The WW dev hasn't gotten any C&D's from HTC, and it has had around 30-40 thousand downloads so I'm not sure why they haven't sent him anything, from what I remember BW had about the same and WW was actually out a bit before BW. Not sure why anyone would say he doesn't update regularly because in the last month he has made 4 updates so that's pretty good I think.
P.S.S. I'm moving this to the Applications forum since it isn't DROID specific. Please post any new threads regarding it there, thanks.