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Being Hacked

I am being terrorized by an ex roommate that stole my $6,000 alienware laptop, and now he is hacking my cell phone account making getting him out of my life seemingly impossible. Google activity picks up some sites he visits, so I always know he is there, and he has started deleting that data daily. I need help getting rid of the com.sec type apps he is using please, I am not sure if any of these need to be on my phone, but so many apps I cannot even change the permissions for or disable. It's as if he is over-riding my admin privileges to get rid of/disable these bad apps he keeps downloading even after I delete the ones I can delete, like data restore. That is a favorite one he is using, I am at my wits end with this, I changed my number, factory reset many times, and then I find he is accessing my cell phone account, bank account, and google activity has shown me he uses links he creates that bypass my passwords for so many sites I access. I have a packed sheet of logins, updated passwords, but I need help to learn how to secure my cell phones (plural, yes) because I need to know more to get ahead of this, please help me. I'm literally feeling so hopeless,...
most accounts now have two step verification. i would do that wherever possible. i would also change your passwords as well. this should prevent any intrusions you may encounter.
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Yeah most does have a two step verifcation these days, as well as change your passwords as well, besides you can pretty much click on the second step virutally anywhere, just as long as you know the password :) Keep it really hidden.
Get off your mobile devices altogether and destroy them.
At home destroy your router and buy a new one.
Reformat your pc to factory settings and don't power it back on.
Go to a library and get on a computer, create yourself a brand new Gmail account and password.
Buy yourself a brand new mobile device and sign in using your brand new Gmail credentials.
Setup 2 factor verification, include biometrics / fingerprint for logging into your accounts, banking, bills, etc....
Keep in mind that he has everything that you have, so you have to cover all the bases and start from scratch on everything moving forward.
Good luck to you.
You need to stop blaming your smartphone and instead focus on the actual problem. Since apparently your ex knows the login info to one or several of your social media accounts, that's what needs to be taken care of. Think it through, no matter how many times you do a Factory Reset or how many new phones you buy, each time you then set up those compromised accounts with the login info he already has, all you've done each time or with each phone is continue allowing him access to your private data.

What you need to do is regain control over your own online presence first, and then after that's achieved work on your phone.
So put your phone aside, and use someone else's phone or a computer/laptop he's never been around. Log into your different online accounts and change your passwords. Set up 2FA if available. Don't pick and choose which online account, do all of them. You don't know how extensively your ex might be in any of them so reset the password for even things like your mobile carrier account and your library account. It's really important you use some other way to access to your online accounts that isn't something he ever could have access to. So nothing you own, no phone, tablet, desktop, nor laptop. Some computer in neighbor's home or a local library.

It's likely to be daunting project but your ex is in stalker mode so unfortunately you have to put more effort to protect yourself. Anyway, once you get that done, now focus on your phone. Since you reset all those passwords, all the apps on your phone that were previously set up to auto-login to some online service will now be prompting you to login again using their new password. And a notable issue will be you will have to enter the new password for your Google account, that's a requirement for you to be able to use your user account on the phone.
Thank you for all your replies, he has never been my boyfriend, and his fiance' was happily destroying my entire wardrobe as he snuck into my room at night to get my laptop to chip away at gaining admin power, which he did,... I have 2 step verification, but google picks up his activity as well as mine due to him constantly hacking my phones, and I have seen his links that bypass my passwords. I have done the new phone thing once, turns out he was hacking my t mobile account, so I am figuring II am going to have to do the cleanse of all tech items, but any suggestions as to how long I stay off the newly formatted system? Anybody know a really good hacker that needs some work? I do want some justice, and I want these people to not ever do this to somebody else because I am not okay at all, it's been 6 months of this, and 3 months out of the room I rented from him, but I don't dream at all, don't feel any hope, and I have never been this distraught before,... And for so many consecutive days in a row. I don't understand all this effort he is putting into robbing/stalking me when a job would be less hours for more money with no risk??
Thank you for all your replies, he has never been my boyfriend, and his fiance' was happily destroying my entire wardrobe as he snuck into my room at night to get my laptop to chip away at gaining admin power, which he did,... I have 2 step verification, but google picks up his activity as well as mine due to him constantly hacking my phones, and I have seen his links that bypass my passwords. I have done the new phone thing once, turns out he was hacking my t mobile account, so I am figuring II am going to have to do the cleanse of all tech items, but any suggestions as to how long I stay off the newly formatted system? Anybody know a really good hacker that needs some work? I do want some justice, and I want these people to not ever do this to somebody else because I am not okay at all, it's been 6 months of this, and 3 months out of the room I rented from him, but I don't dream at all, don't feel any hope, and I have never been this distraught before,... And for so many consecutive days in a row. I don't understand all this effort he is putting into robbing/stalking me when a job would be less hours for more money with no risk??
You sound so much like me at one point a while back. You most likely were being connected to via SOCKS proxy.
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