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Help Best android keyboard??


Android Enthusiast
Hello guys,
All the threads i found about keyboards were at least a year old and hence the new thread. Hopefully it will help other new android users as well. Since I came over to android from Blackberry, the biggest bone of contention i have with touchscreens is typing speed. My question is which keyboard allows you to type fastest on touchscreens? All the pros here (Ironass, Hawker, Sydney, et al :D ) which keyboard do you guys use as default and can you type fast with it? Kindly suggest a few. Currenty using swype beta 1.3 but prediction is awful. Thanks you.
Also came over from BlackBerry, and Swiftkey stopped me from missing my BB Bold in a matter of minutes - can't recommend it highly enough.
Finally, an ex BBer ! I have swiftkey 3 too but sometimes I still have to type whole words on it. But I think i have finally made my peace with Swype Beta 1.3. Believe it or not it is more accurate than swiftkey for me now that i have been using it more and way faster.
Thanks. I too have made my peace with Swype Beta 1.3. It has grown on me since last evening. I can swype quite fast now. :D
I suppose it is what you get used too - if it aint broke, don't fix it kinda thing.

I use Hackers Keyboard and personally, after installing it shortly after getting my phone over a year ago, I would not change it ever :)
I use Swype the non beta (version 3.26.etc etc), I liked the Beta, but I found it far too buggy (yes, I know it's a Beta and will have bugs) and a little bit bloated. I have both still installed.

I tried Swiftkey but I love Swyping rather than typing.
Have tried half a dozen of the usual suspects, keep coming back to Swype. Just find it the quickest to use by far.

Have no issues or bugs with latest beta version.
Have tried half a dozen of the usual suspects, keep coming back to Swype. Just find it the quickest to use by far.

Havre no issues or bugs with latest beta version.

Syd, I know we take the mickey for the seemingly contrary nature of your SGSII, but do you have no issues at all with the Swype beta ? Mine wouldn't play nice with Sygic, crashed email regularly and hung alarmingly occasionally. I was always running the latest one.
Syd, I know we take the mickey for the seemingly contrary nature of your SGSII, but do you have no issues at all with the Swype beta ? Mine wouldn't play nice with Sygic, crashed email regularly and hung alarmingly occasionally. I was always running the latest one.

Previously have had this in the past with previous betas, but for me the current one is rock solid.
Thanx Syd(if i may call u that ;) ) . I agree with you. The latest swype beta 1.3 is in fact quite good and amazingly i found it more accurate (and much faster) than swiftkey 3. One can swype much faster than typing, a fact which has been noted by developers of swiftkey and hence the forthcoming swiftkey flow :D Happy Swyping :D
I'm also an ex BB user and I've been using gingerbread keyboard lately with great success. It's the only one that's managed to come close to keeping up with my typing speed with minimal mistakes.
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