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Best Browser

Best Browser

  • Firefox

    Votes: 37 34.3%
  • Chrome/Chromium

    Votes: 58 53.7%
  • Opera

    Votes: 7 6.5%
  • Safari

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 4.6%

  • Total voters
has anyone noticed that Firefox 4 is a lot like Chrome?

FF4 copied its design elements from Opera. ;) (We had it for over 6 months+ before FF4 was released)

Opera in my tests is faster than FF4 (by a longshot) And is at the same amount of speed as chrome. (the difference is in fractions of a millisecond)

It has all the features built in which would require FF or chrome to have extensions.
It has turbo, which speeds up the connection if you are on dial-up.
Private Tab browsing so you dont even have to open up a new window. :p
Opera Mail, with simple UI and excellent mail management.
Opera Unite with great server capabilities.
Customization. (you can literally customize EVERYTHING on this browser)
Smooth and minimalistic UI.
Mouse Gestures. (Navigating in other browsers feels slow now...)
Web Panels. (Useful as hell once you start using them lol)
Content blocker. (cant stress this enough, it is epic!)
Built in IRC.
Opera Voice. (for navigation tts etc)
It has all these features, and is still as fast as the fastest around. :cool:
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Running Chrome on my W7 64bit - No issues, switched from FF because of the speed of chrome and it also supports remote printing off my HD Desire!!

Running FF on my Open Suse box - but will probably switch to chrome on there as well just to keep the browsers synced.

Also noticed FF seems to be getting slower at rendering pages? maybe all the addons.
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