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Help Best Expense Tracking App?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2010
Indianapolis, IN
I used Xpense Trkr on the iPhone, looking for a good Expense Tracking Droid App. Most of it will be for tracking mileage expense but I also want the capability to enter other expenses including having a button to take a picture of the receipt and store it with the expense report. Want to be able to export a given report via email in CSV or TXT format.

I do not care at all about tracking gas mileage or any of that. Just wish to be able to enter start mileage, end mileage and destinations for a given day. Should be able to enter the mileage rate and have it calculate it. All the standards needed for the IRS.
I looked for months trying to find an application that did what you were looking for and more. I couldn't find an application anywhere; so, I decided to create one. I created an application called Expense IT and put it in the market in February 2010. Since then, I have continually expanded the feature set of the application based on user feedback, and continue to plan to do so. The users that have been using Expense IT seem pretty happy with the application and my support. If you would like to look a little deeper, feel free to visit the Expense IT web site at: http://www.expense-it.com. If you want to download it from the market, follow this link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hammonds.johnnie.expenseit&hl=en
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