I should NEVER go to the VM site to see what new phones they're offering lately. NOW I've started thinking about upgrading my VM phone at some point during the holiday sales.
Gone through a few phones with VM since I've been with them, the OV was my first smartphone, which was okay, but then I made the mistake of checking what was new a year or so ago, and ended up with the Motorola Triumph. Which, for the most part, I love, except for the things that I saw other people complain about when I was comparison shopping before I bought it (that I thought "well, how bad could THAT really be?" before I bought it) that I AM running into: the back cover falling off all the time, the "sleep of death", and short battery life. Have also run into a few apps that require 4.0 to work fully, which based on what I've read, the Motorola will never have.
So I popped over to the VM site to see what they had going on NOW. Naturally, gravitated immediately to the EVO and the SII, and compared them side by side along with the Triumph I have now. NO comparison, I WANT!
Based on what I've read here, it sounds like the SII is the better phone, but looking at them side by side, is what you get with the SII really $140 better than the EVO? They seem very similar (although I noticed that the EVO does NOT have an LED flash on the camera? - something I use all the time on my Triumph, and would probably miss if I didn't have it).
And don't know if this makes a difference or not, if one is better for this than the other, but I'm a data user more than a phone plan user. I'd say I probably use the phone as an actual PHONE about 5% of the time, and use the data side of it the remaining 95%.
Anyhoo, knowing what I don't like about what I've got, can I get some feedback what I should get?
Also, as a side note, would installing a different ROM fix what I don't like about the Motorola (other than the back falling off all the time, lol). I've thought about doing that, I'm good with tinkering with my PC, but not so much with my phone, didn't want to risk bricking it. But if I'm thinking about getting a new one anyway, is it worth trying? Especially since as soon as I get a new phone, my rates go up $10/month, I'm still at the $25/month plan but they'll increase me if I get a new phone.
~ Karen ~