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best substitutes for stock apps?

Browser = I use Dolphin HD, for the few times I browse, but I also have Opera Mini installed, too.
Dialler = exDialer
Music Player = andLess
Mail = Maildroid
SMS = stock, since I rarely SMS anymore, because it is a ripoff

I've installed Sony Style ROM, which is based on CM7. It's also Android 2.3. I didn't like the way CM7 looked. Using ADWLauncher.
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I really like andLess because it is a no-nonsense player. Very lightweight. It was also one of the few that played FLAC files natively (Android 2.1 did not have a FLAC codec built-in).

If you like just playing albums (ie. no need for playlists), I've just heard of this player, which I haven't had time to try out yet:
It has an EQ, which I sometimes miss having with andLess.
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