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Best value in Battery Backup Option


Android Enthusiast
I wanted to inform you all of this battery backup/charger from Monoprice.com.
I know that their products look cheap, but trust me when I say that they work great, I recently got their 10x6 graphics tablet, the extra pen, and nibs, and their wired 5 button gaming mouse and all of them arrived in excellent condition, and work great so it's a no doubt situation that this charger will work as specified, if not VERY close.
They're also as good as newegg when it comes to responding to concerns in their review column, so if something isn't right, let them know, and they'll take it back in a heart beat.

5k MWah Dual Port Backup Battery/Charger
It's a 5 THOUSAND MWaH Battery pack with the option to charge devices up to 1 amp, or 2.1 amps, so it will work on this phone while charging your bluetooth at the same time!

Give it some consideration when purchasing your next backup, because I am getting one soon and don't see myself not liking it at all.
I would like to also note this 9900 mAh pack of the same size with the same options for very slightly over double the price of the 5K pack above. The site's trustworthy and quick on the customer service, and have even gone so far as to take special shipping requests when I contacted them about orders in advance.

It needs a wall itself to be charged, but you can easily slip it into one pocket and run a charger cable through your belt loop to your phone in the other pocket if you have a job that has you standing up and/or moving around, though in all honesty I think you could make it through a two day camping trip on this thing easily on a stock phone, and a week if you're careful and know how to treat a battery :p
I would like to also note this 9900 mAh pack of the same size with the same options for very slightly over double the price of the 5K pack above. The site's trustworthy and quick on the customer service, and have even gone so far as to take special shipping requests when I contacted them about orders in advance.

It needs a wall itself to be charged, but you can easily slip it into one pocket and run a charger cable through your belt loop to your phone in the other pocket if you have a job that has you standing up and/or moving around, though in all honesty I think you could make it through a two day camping trip on this thing easily on a stock phone, and a week if you're careful and know how to treat a battery :p

If you're going to go that route, then you'd be a simpleton not to get these.
Kmashi is a brand that ONLY makes batteries, and I've used them before for a laptop battery, so I trust their products, and while these are not listed on their homepage that I've seen, I know for a fact that it's still made by kmx.

for Motorola PHOTON 4G Kmashi External Battery Power Bank 11200mAh High Quality | eBay

~12000mah of pure power for half the price of what you listed :P
I am a bit confused as to these items.. What I am seeing is that they are a way to recharge the battery of your device without having to always be at a computer with a USB port OR a regular wall socket. Using the 3500/3850 mAh battery for the connect would this work while driving in a car as I have yet to find a way to charge my connect while I am driving and using the phones GPS and Metro Navigator ?
These aren't just "chargers." They're full scale backup solutions.
Yes, these can charge your car while you're driving, talking, gaming, and doing anything else on your phone.
Due to their extensive size they're not just a "use it till you get home to charge it" solution. They're a use it until you actually WANT to go home and HAVE to charge it.
The time that it takes me to charge the 25xxmwah extended battery is about the same it would take to charge the larger scale portable solutions that are listed here, so logically, considering that the ones I listed are the same price as my battery, they're the better option.

HOWEVER! Some people won't see it that way, since there's not a way to "stick" these to the phone like the battery does (velcro adhesive solutions work just fine for me IF I cared enough.)
These things @5k MWah and over start getting relatively large in size. The 11k solution listed a few posts up is almost the same size as a samsung galaxy note!!!
BUT it would let your phone run ALL day by simply hooking it up, and continuing on with what you were doing.
Since the connect comes with a rather decent cord length it is acceptable to use this while gaming at a table on lunch break, etc.

BUT, what I DO is use these while I'm gaming, listening to music in my pocket, etc. that way I'm not draining down my battery when I am doing those frivolous things, and it lets me save my battery for the important shit.
These aren't just "chargers." They're full scale backup solutions.
Yes, these can charge your car while you're driving, talking, gaming, and doing anything else on your phone.
Due to their extensive size they're not just a "use it till you get home to charge it" solution. They're a use it until you actually WANT to go home and HAVE to charge it.
The time that it takes me to charge the 25xxmwah extended battery is about the same it would take to charge the larger scale portable solutions that are listed here, so logically, considering that the ones I listed are the same price as my battery, they're the better option.

HOWEVER! Some people won't see it that way, since there's not a way to "stick" these to the phone like the battery does (velcro adhesive solutions work just fine for me IF I cared enough.)
These things @5k MWah and over start getting relatively large in size. The 11k solution listed a few posts up is almost the same size as a samsung galaxy note!!!
BUT it would let your phone run ALL day by simply hooking it up, and continuing on with what you were doing.
Since the connect comes with a rather decent cord length it is acceptable to use this while gaming at a table on lunch break, etc.

BUT, what I DO is use these while I'm gaming, listening to music in my pocket, etc. that way I'm not draining down my battery when I am doing those frivolous things, and it lets me save my battery for the important shit.

Can we run our phones and tablets on A/C power without damaging their batteries or ruining their memory? Also by the same token, will these backup solutions also ruin the memory of the lithium batteries in our devices?
Can we run our phones and tablets on A/C power without damaging their batteries or ruining their memory? Also by the same token, will these backup solutions also ruin the memory of the lithium batteries in our devices?

Phones and tablets aren't like the typical "cell" battery that you'd find on laptops, and netbooks.
While it IS true that running while charging can cause damage, it's a completely different scenario.
Where it may take a few months of doing it on a laptop, it will take somewhere closer to a year of daily "wrongdoing" to affect the output stability of the battery in your phone, and/or tablet due to the structure of the battery itself.
Cell technology while greater in storage is largely impacted by its inability to properly determine whether a full charge is given, or whether it's being charged/used, or just charged.
They've started putting "smart" chips in them to help remedy this, but it's still an ongoing problem in netbooks, tablet pc's, and laptops.

Charging your phone while using it from a battery backup solution will impact it no less than wall charging, but it's a portable solution. It will take a LOT more daily "charging while using" than it would a laptop to directly impact the phones ability to both hold charge, and charge itself.

The battery structure on the phones isn't the "cell" type. Instead of having multiple dead cell batteries inside it's a solid battery, and as such in cooperation with it's governing chip, and "smart" abilities, it knows when it's in use, in use/charging, charging, dead, and close to dead.
There's a LOT less damage that can happen to it with this method. Some, but not NEARLY as much as a laptop.

Sorry for the essay, just difficult to explain that one to the "common folk" that aren't familiar with the in-depth parts of electronics.
Phones and tablets aren't like the typical "cell" battery that you'd find on laptops, and netbooks.
While it IS true that running while charging can cause damage, it's a completely different scenario.
Where it may take a few months of doing it on a laptop, it will take somewhere closer to a year of daily "wrongdoing" to affect the output stability of the battery in your phone, and/or tablet due to the structure of the battery itself.
Cell technology while greater in storage is largely impacted by its inability to properly determine whether a full charge is given, or whether it's being charged/used, or just charged.
They've started putting "smart" chips in them to help remedy this, but it's still an ongoing problem in netbooks, tablet pc's, and laptops.

Charging your phone while using it from a battery backup solution will impact it no less than wall charging, but it's a portable solution. It will take a LOT more daily "charging while using" than it would a laptop to directly impact the phones ability to both hold charge, and charge itself.

The battery structure on the phones isn't the "cell" type. Instead of having multiple dead cell batteries inside it's a solid battery, and as such in cooperation with it's governing chip, and "smart" abilities, it knows when it's in use, in use/charging, charging, dead, and close to dead.
There's a LOT less damage that can happen to it with this method. Some, but not NEARLY as much as a laptop.

Sorry for the essay, just difficult to explain that one to the "common folk" that aren't familiar with the in-depth parts of electronics.

Thank you for your educational explanation, but the long story short here is that if I use the tablet or LC Connect while on A/C or the device we are speaking of, that should be fine as the batteries are different composition than those of laptops and netbooks ?

The reason I was asking is that I thought I understood that Lithium batteries do not suffer from the memory effect of NiCads or NiMH yet with one of the extended batteries I got for the Connect it says to run 6 full cycles of discharge and charge ..
Thank you for your educational explanation, but the long story short here is that if I use the tablet or LC Connect while on A/C or the device we are speaking of, that should be fine as the batteries are different composition than those of laptops and netbooks ?

The reason I was asking is that I thought I understood that Lithium batteries do not suffer from the memory effect of NiCads or NiMH yet with one of the extended batteries I got for the Connect it says to run 6 full cycles of discharge and charge ..

If the battery that you got says that then there's a chance that it's not truly li-on to it's core. The li-on's don't suffer from the same extremity, but they can, and eventually will succumb to an eventual amount of stress and wear just because they're batteries.
You should be fine for QUITE some time without ever experiencing problems, but if you want to lengthen that amount of time try the following as well.

The best thing that you can do for your battery is refrigerate it when it's not in use (typically your "butter door" works best since it blocks condensation :D - but I just put mine in plastic baggies. with rice around them)
This will keep the core of the battery in a more "stable" condition as at it's heart it's made of simple polymers that heat will eventually break down. So if you're not charging, or using it, stick it in a rice baggie.
Yeah, I know that they outsource from somewhere but I can't remember for the life of me what company it was with.
I do remember however doing a LOT of research on the products in their "native" form (before anker brands them as their own [they buy them wholesale from overseas] ) and they appear to be really damn good products, so i'd say it's safe to say you're going to love it.

That is extremely comforting to read. I know for a fact my wife didn't do any research on the subject. I am glad to know she made a good choice for me.
Now I have to find out how the hell she knew I was looking for one of these.
I have 3 wall chargers (USB with wall adapter) and 1 car charger. I keep one charger in my bed room. I keep 1 at work and I keep 1 in my car.

I'll never have an issue with charging my phone.

Just my opinion but that's the easiest way to do it.
That is extremely comforting to read. I know for a fact my wife didn't do any research on the subject. I am glad to know she made a good choice for me.
Now I have to find out how the hell she knew I was looking for one of these.

This little thing called browser history homie (time to stop looking @ 4chan :P )
This little thing called browser history homie (time to stop looking @ 4chan :P )

Impossible, I erase history on browser close. She said she saw me browsing one of these links on this page. She watches over my shoulder lol. 4chan fo lyfe!

Just got the battery and it is WAY smaller than i thought which is great.
I also read the warrenty, it is unconditional, 18 months its not working, send it for a replacement. Charging it at the moment, going to go on a hike upstate this weekend, lets see how it works.

Whats the 9V and the 12V switch for?
Impossible, I erase history on browser close. She said she saw me browsing one of these links on this page. She watches over my shoulder lol. 4chan fo lyfe!

Just got the battery and it is WAY smaller than i thought which is great.
I also read the warrenty, it is unconditional, 18 months its not working, send it for a replacement. Charging it at the moment, going to go on a hike upstate this weekend, lets see how it works.

Whats the 9V and the 12V switch for?

The switch just gives you the option to charge other devices, like tablets, or bluetooth speakers, portable radio's, bluetooth headsets etc. that use more than the standard 5-9v of draw. There's also the possibility that switching it to 12v could cause the phone to charge faster. They know what kind of power port they're hooked up to, and it's offering on power output, and at 9 volts it may confuse that for a standard computer USB which has a lower draw setting in android than 12-120v.
It's kinda nice to see it has that, I didn't notice that.
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