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Best way to 'reset' Contacts?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking of resetting (e.g. wiping and starting again) my contacts list, as although it's working I think something may be a little wrong with it as it seems bigger than it needs to be.

My current plan is to remove the facebook account, which I guess will take all the facebook contact stuff, then delete all my contacts through people.

I'll then re-add my facebook account then restore a .vcf file I've got of my contacts.

Does this approach sound sensible to people? Anyone else done this with their contacts & if so did you go about it a different way?
i did this yesterday, i decided to delete all the contacts off the phone and the sim, i then imported the vcf file but imported to the google account on the phone, that way any changes made are uploaded or downloaded to my google contacts.

much better and much neater now, just one thing dont panic when you delete the facebook account and re do it, it took nearly 10 minutes for all my contacts to reappear back on the phone :eek:

Hope this helps

Pete ;)
Thanks Peter, I did it yesterday after all, and it all went smoothly, but like you say the FB account adding thing is a little flakey. I had to go into People before they appeared, and even then it did it in an odd way.

This is only a theory, but I think there's a bug inside the way contacts works, so if you do multiple imports via various sources (Facebook, google, a vcf file) it doesn't properly overwrite data, rather it creates some kind of duplicates.

I'd messed around a bit importing and syncing, and was finding myself about 2.5mb down despite nothing essentially being different. So I essentially wiped my all contacts data, I removed my facebook account and then via settings-applications-contacts I cleared all the data in contacts. After a couple of power-off/ons my free space was up to 33mb (from 15mb). I then reattached my facebook account and imported in the vcf file i'd backed my phone contacts up to.

Once everything was in and dust had settled i'd gained approx 6.5mb of space back.

Before my contacts data was saying it was 12.5 mb for phone and facebook contact info. Now despite being exactly the same thing it's only 8.5mb. You also appear to save space in some internal HTC sense social networking 'app'.
Go into settings-manage applications and look for 'Contacts'. If you sort by size it will probably be near the top.

Randomly I had a quick look at my facebook section in people today and then when I checked my memory I had another 2.5mb back! It definitely does some funny stuff with the contact memory size.
Thanks, im showing 5.23mb data for Facebook and 6.14mb for Contacts, i have 130 contacts, does that sound about right???

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