nothing specific, just was going to update it, but since ive beta tested open and closed betas.
I have done Beta Testing for Palm, Megahertz Corporation (Driver install programs and Toshiba Internal Modems) 3Com (NIC Cards and Palm Pilots) and for USRobotics (their amazing "new" 56K modems). I would add a few lines to my personal resume about my testing exploits because there were many and they apply to most high-tech electronics manufacturing concerns.
And if you can say you beta tested products for Megahertz, USRobotics, 3Com, and Palm Computing, it does seem like you know your stuff.
If you beta tested a new kind of furry socks, however, I would omit that from your resume because it seems like you are bragging about something that a Sony, Palm, HP, or Westinghouse could care less about.
However, I am still waiting to Beta Test one of Harley-Davidson's new bikes. So far, I am being ignored.
I was the first at my facility to actually connect to something using USR's yet to be released 56K Modems and at the time, it was cool. I also tested the wireless Palm VII before anyone at the plant saw one including Palm's On-Site Pilot Wiz-Bang who said the product in my briefcase was a year out. I also tested the Palm V. In that case, it was a stress test due to its novel (some said) assembly process.
And that Palm VII Beta Test Program actually led to a series of grand fights, threats, intrigue, problems, and overall angst. Another story perhaps.
In every case, I was selected because of my specific job and my skill set. My updates and reports also led to more opportunities within the corporation(s). In my case, it might be something a prospective company might think is useful or applicable. When I "interviewed" with 3Com, I simply logged into the 3Com Training Web Site to pull up my training manuals, and that impressed several people including 3Com's major Web Wonks that did not know who I was or that we had a sub-site on the 3Com Intranet.
And it led to more opportunities, like being offered a job to design web sites for 3Com Corporate. I left my mad web design skills off my resume, however.
I remember when we were asked to create resumes that listed everything we have done and accomplished as a test and mine was thirty pages long and started with pushing a broom at a local photo dealer in 1973. Not the way to go in the real world where some reviewers might toss a bloated document. And nobody really cares about the job you had in 1973.
About all I know is employers do not like large blocks of time unaccounted for. They apparently do not like long resumes or resumes filled with crap that does not apply to the job. Or some want to know everything, according to some recent resume research. My resume once showed my three jobs since 1973 and the comments were generally about how stable I am. When I work for a company, I am usually there for more than a decade, so perhaps that shows stability and commitment.
I think some people on the iPad forums mentioned their "beta tests" of cheap iPad accessories. Not sure what can be said about one of those funny rubber sleeves, so perhaps it should not be placed on the resume. Or if you have beta tested three or four products, it is likely worth mentioning.
Here is what I do: I submit a short resume, a cover letter, and list of references. One of my references is a town Mayor and so far, it has impressed nobody. But I also have a detailed list of my specific talents and skills and that is several pages long. Things any electronics manufacturer would likely need to be done, I can do; I am quite skilled and impressive. Employers on the list, take note.
For example, I helped design the Palm Pilot pneumatic testers and the BGA rework optical soldering stations. That impresses most folks, not at all. The list is not included with my resume, however. I make it available if needed. My fear is it seems too much like bragging and interviewers do not want to plow through long documents. Or I omit good stuff and that hurts me.
Perhaps someone who hires people can tell us what he or she looks for and dismisses when reading a resume.