I am attempting to warn all about T-Mobile. I have had an extremely bad experience with them. When I signed up, I was told they had excellent service in my area and there shouldn't be any problems. There has been nothing but problems since I signed up a year ago. I have contact customer support numerous times for assistance with these problems, but they never fix them. I am dropping calls constantly, my data is always on data roaming so the unlimited data I pay for is just an extra cost I am not able to use, and I cannot contact to Wi-Fi except on rare occasions. After over a year of this extremely poor service that they are unable to fix, I am fed up and have decided to cancel my service. I was not doing it for any reason other than they have failed to provide the service they promised, which is backed up by the numerous customer service calls. I assumed they would not charge the $200/line since it is their failure, but was notified that I will have to pay it. (I have 4 phones, so that will be $800 plus around $35/line for taxes). I will be paying close to $1000 just to cancel a service that never worked properly in the first place. I was informed they do not guarantee service, so I will have to eat the charges or keep the non-working phones. I am extremely frustrated with them and hope this will save others from making the same mistake. STAY AWAY FROM T-MOBILE UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE RIPPED OFF.