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Blackberry or Android I'm Stuck!


Hello, Great forums you got here.
I have a dilemma, I just bought a Blackberry Bold 9000 Bold about a month or so ago, and I actually really like it, I had an Iphone 3g before it and I liked that at well, however, all this Android/Droid talk is getting me really excited about Android. I am just wondering how many people if anyone here has switched from BB to android how did it go? do you find it as nice as BB??
Thanks a lot!

I've had Blackberry 8900 and iPhone 3gs.

You need to give more information on your intended usage. If you're a heavy emailer with multiple accounts, then stick with the bold. If you like seamless media integration and playback then the iPhone is good.

If you have patience, and understand that you are getting in at an early stage - then Android is a very rewarding platform indeed. It's getting better all the time, and more and more manufacturers are getting involved.
I'm a new Android user as well as a BB Bold user - I've finally made the move to having a personal phone (Android) and just using my BB for work. So far, I've hardly touched my BB outside work hours just to have a quick check on email / browsing etc. It all depends on what you will use it for - as the BB has a hard QWERTY keyboard, writing any length of message / email is much easier than on a soft keyboard (depends on handset); however the enhanced functionality of the Android means I can do everythin I used to on my BB and so much more.

One of the main plus points for the Android (IMHO) is the vast array of apps available that can make your life easier - I'm still getting to know most of these and at some point in the future, will wipe my handset and only re-install the ones I really use / like.
Hey there,

After trying to decide between Storm 2, iPhone and Hero I recently switched from Blackberry Bold to HTC Hero. There are some things i miss about my blackberry such as the brilliant facebook/twitter aps. I've yet to find a decent facebook ap on android. I miss being able to have multiple notification sounds for various apps and the call sound quality & signal strength was better than any phone i've ever had.

But i prefer my Hero. I think the web browser is far better (i never used the one on BB it was so hideous), it's much more fun and i've taken to the touch screen keyboard really quickly, i'm typing much faster than i did on BB. Cameras on BB are useless, i like the one on HTC (in daylight) and i love the footprints app! Speaking of apps i prefer the ones available on Android to the ones on BB.

I'm also loving Spotify for Android!
I recently moved from a BB to the Hero. I was quite worried about this and researched for ages. The BB did everything I wanted in a business phone but I just got bored of it. I took the plunge and never looked back. I have set up a few POP3/IMAP e-mail accounts which pull messages from the server every 15 minutes (good enough for me) I love the Market for Apps. The Blackberry Appworld I thought was pants.
The only thing I miss is the keyboard. Maybe it is the fact I have fingers like sausages, but I just can't seem to type a message without messing it up. This has nearly been very embarrassing at times when the predictive settings have taken over.

Overall I am delighted with my new Hero. I am always fiddling and there is much more to fiddle with than on the BB.
Hope this helps.
I have a blackberry curve and have been seriously looking at the Nexua for verizon when it comes out. I currently use my phone for gmail, google calender, contacts and some minor browsing. when I get a new phone I want to be able to track my checking account, have apps for grocery lists etc, that will make my life more portable, and I always like to have new toys, so what should I get? thanks.
One possible concern; The Android Exchange client does not yet support all the security policies that some corporations require. This could prevent you from receiving and sending with your corporate email account.

If this is important for you, check with your email admins.

No complaints otherwise.
i just switched from a blackberry to a droid and i wouldn't have anything else...although i still cant figure out how to switch my pics from my blackberry to my droid.....:(.. got any help for that???
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