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Root [Boost Mobile] Ics or jb sdk ramdisk

On my old phone you could package the sdk image with your device specific kernel and it would boot fine. My old phone was the Samsung transform which is a much older phone and they have android 4 running fine on it.
Sounds good. So what is the progress on cm9 and gettin some type of ics kernal for us? Anyo e havin some good luck
Well if that is the case, why haven't we heard from the op? I tried to point him in a different direction
Edit, post is out of context now
So whats been going on in these forums the last month? I mean is it just me, or has the drama level increased ten fold?

Sure, Androidjerr may or may not be Thomasmbl. Time will tell, I'm sure. *shrugs* I'm not preaching either way here, because frankly, I couldn't care less.

There's so much other stuff going on. Really, guys? What happened to the carefree environment we had going on? If one person or two people bother you, take it to PM's. Or, even better, PM a mod. Don't bring the banter to the threads, because frankly, it's driving me nuts. All I'm seeing around anymore is arguing and crap, and really, it's not worth me coming here much anymore.

Sorry. Had to get that off my chest. *shrugs*
OH, and to actually contribute to the thread in someway/shape/form:

Free Your Android - How to Port Android to Another Device

this guide is a good start in the right direction for porting.

It breaks it down to some files you need to change, but there will still be more tweaking that has to be done. Also, just as an FYI:

Whatever you port, be it CM7, MIUI, etc...will have the same bugs as the ROM you port. Wifi, bluetooth, etc. So be cautious, and as always, use at your own risk.
Right. But there is always a risk involved, just remember that. It could brick your phone, or not work. So really, the usual disclaimer is involved here.

Do not feed after Midnight.

Oh wait, wrong movie.

Use at your own risk, more or less.
Well i dont have a pc or anything so i dont plan on tryin my hand at porting or tryin to dev my own rom for a long time cuz i know i cant afford one i have $15000 in school loans for this year and another 10 next year so im kinda tied up $ wise but i like to get info before hand so i go into it with some knowledge
Well, we are back on topic now. If I can find any more reading material for porting, I will gladly post it.

Although, that site has some of the best reading I have seen.

I can also suggest browsing XDA forums, as well. They helped me with some other android-related things, and were all polite and courteous. Just a suggestion.
Like i said iv got nothin personal against him so no issues and im patient ljke i said i cant start doin any work my self so im patient about any one elses
What did I miss? Lol, anyways, I wouldn't recommend porting a kernel unless you know how to fix it :D
Perfect names for different kernel distributions.squirrel could be stock, knife could be slightly modified, and a gunshot could be full bore oc with all the fixins' lol
Hey, just trying to stay on topic ;)
Of course, that's exactly how that post was to be interpreted!

Although stock might be knife, because it might be dull... But I've seen that it just works well for me.
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