hey guy i am new to all this and i have came and asked before with alot of help
now i am asking again if you would
people who like to make boot animations for fun please help......
i am looking for some boot animations for my htc evo......
the first is a playstation 1 boot and the second is an iphone boot
i have tried to make my own but failed every time....nor have i found these in my long searches
so if you would like to help please do
i hope i am not asking for anything unreasonable
thanks in advance
Boot animations aren't difficult to make. Here are some instructions:
1. Create a folder named bootanimation
2. Inside that folder create two folders named part0 and part1
3. Also create a new text file called desc.txt inside the bootanimation folder
4. The part0 folder will contain the image files for the part of the animation sequence that will loop
only once
5. The part1 folder will contain the image files for the part of the animation sequence that will loop
6. In your desc.txt file you need to place the below text that appears in red:
480 800 30
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
Here is an explanation of the red text:
480 – stretched width of the animation
800 – stretched height of the animation
30 – this controlled the speed of both parts of the animation
p - part
1 – this defined how many times part0 of the animation looped
0 – saw no change when altering this number
part0 – folder containing first part of the animation
p – part
0 – this defined the number of times part1 of the animation looped (0=infinite)
0 – saw no change when altering this number
part1 – folder containing second part of the animation
7. When all of that is done, zip your part0 folder, part1 folder and desc.txt file to a zip file named "bootanimation.zip" (without the quotes).
Your bootanimation.zip file needs to be zipped as "store" - no compression. The system won't be able to read a compressed bootanimation.zip file.
8. Once all of that is done backup your current bootanimation.zip file for safekeeping and place your new bootanimation.zip file on your phone in the proper place and reboot to test.
Keep in mind that the bootanimation.zip file can't be too big. If it's too big the system either won't display it or cut it off before it's finished.
I hope this helps.