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Root Boot problem. Cannot access recovery. milestone

Well, short summary :
  1. Cyanogenmod 6.3.6 for milestone(milaq)
  2. Androidiani Milestone Openrecovery (based on the Openrecovery by Skrilax_CZ by 89luca89 and Azhad)

Everything was smooth and good. But sometimes I would run into some low memory situations. The recovery menu had some memhack

options. I tried them. This is when trouble started.

Current symptoms :
  1. Phone switches on and does not go past the Motorola M logo. It just stays there. Only way to switch off is to pull battery
  2. Cannot load into recovery. I see a yellow exclamation mark with a small phone icon. And it just stays there. Not the box with an arrow pouring into a phone.
  3. Can load into bootloader. Gets recognized in RSD lite. Can reflash vulnerable recovery upto the point that it needs a restart. It cant restart so it asks me to manually restart which i cannot do.

What should be done? . I've gone through all threads thatt seemed relavent. It always calls to reflash the vulnerable recovery, which I can do but cannot reboot

Thank you in advance.
My phone is fixed and running fine now. I'd like to post the problem and the solution here.

Problem : Phone will not boot past M logo. Phone will load into bootloader. Attempts to get to recovery will result in phone stuck at yellow exclamation mark with phone icon, not the typical arrow pouring out of box into phone icon. Phone will not charge.

Solution : In a general scenario, to get to recovery hold 'x' and power up, keeping it pressed until yellow exclamation mark with phone icon comes up. Then press volume up and then press camera key. This will get you to standard android recovery. I use androidiani-openrecovery so I apply the relevent update and load openrecovery. Then you wipe date, wipe cache, wipe dalvik. Then apply cyanogenmod update. And reboot. Softbrick solved.

Now, I was unable to get past the yellow exclamation and phone icon. Pressing volume up and camera button did nothing. I wouldn't budge. Turns out, when I replaced the digitizer on my phone, I placed the camera button upside down. So the camera button would click but would not half click(for focussing). Apparently recovery is loaded when volume up is held down and the camera button is half pressed. Turned the camera button over and voila! recovery. What followed is in the previous paragraph.

So that's how to deal with a softbrick. A bazillion thanks and much respect to nadlabak.
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