iPhone finally gets some real, serious competition (Android), and how does Jobs and Apple respond: they file a lawsuit. Nice...real nice. The Fanboys must be so proud.
And why just pick on HTC? What about Motorola, Samsung and others? Could it have anything to do with the fact that HTC is the maker of Google's own phone, the Nexus One?
Reminds me of an 8 year old, who when he realizes his team is losing its lead, stomps his feet and cries, "It's my football, so it's my rules!"
Grow up Steve, and stop acting like some whiny a$$ bully.
I say that we HTC Android phone users boycott Apple. Let's send them a message. I for one do not want my phone messed with. And how long have we been waiting for the 2.1 update? We finally get official word that we should ALL be getting it by mid 2010, and then Apple pulls this crap, putting our update and even the status of our current phones at risk.
Don't buy any Apple products or anything from their App Store or iTunes for a day, a week, a ?...
Let's show Apple we won't be bullied.