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Samsung Broken Z Fold 4; what to do?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Ok, so my Z Fold 4 failed, probably because of the flex cable internally. When you turn the phone on, then unfold it, it shuts off. Anytime you unfold it from a running, folded state, it shuts off. It is about a year and a half old , which I am sure it is out of warranty, and I did not have any coverage on it. Other than that issue, it is in great shape. Do you entertain getting it fixed? My AT&T technical help guy said to sell it, I believe, as those are in demand, but it is broken (he knew that). I am not really any longer sure about what he said to do with it in the broken state, as my mind was filled up from the tech. issue we were trying to solve. Any good suggestions?


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I have never used them, but a neighbor did a couple of years ago. He said they replaced the screen on his Samsung phone in 35 minutes and he was happy. I saw they had your Fold 4 listed. You could ask them for a price.

I am going to try them to see if it looks like an option once I am sure that I get the last of any files off of the Four that I might need, then do a factory reset.

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so i had an issue with my fold 4 where unfolded the screen goes black.....i guess that is the same issue you had. fortunately i have Best Buy Geek Squad Protection. they just sent me a refurbished one and i never had that issue again. i did had to take it in a bit later because the screen protector was peeling off from the crease. they were able to just repair that one though.

do you have a Samsung Experience Store near you? they have techs there that can help. not sure if they do repairs if you do not have their Samsung Care service or not. its worth looking into.
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