Is there a working web browser for android 2.1 with endless support ? Im using a smartphone from 2014 and intend to use it forever. Of course motherf rs from the Google and Co dont like this kind of affairs when people use old equipment decades on (because if everyone started doing that they would not receive money from sales and would have to shut down the company or work for little profit, what obviously they don't like) they want you to buy a new one every year and old one to throw to garbage, to Africa. So under pretense of security they make web browser unfunctional on old systems, renewing java and all other sh t so you cannot log in into stupid mail, google drive or open any site, enter capcha, ect. What i found so far out of huge range of sh t offered today is puffin browser, which later version is supposed to work on 2.3. Is there, can anyone create a good working alternative that would be without stupid security but receive updates on Google tricks to make equipment unfunctional?