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Browser touch responsiveness poor. Adobe Flash's fault??


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2012
Using the stock browser (yes, I know there are 3rd party browsers out there), I noticed that there was maybe 1/2s delay when swiping the screen, and the page scrolling, or pinching and the screen zooming.

I uninstalled flash, because I noticed animated ads that may or may not be flash, but either way, it seemed to have helped.

Has anyone else come across this?
No browser lag here, it's smooth as silk.

For the most part that's the case with me. Far better than my Eris (I can load pages, with images on them, and not need to end all processes on the phone for RAM) and with GIF support!!

Though it just seems like there are some sites which just seem to bog it down. But to be honest it has no correlation with Flash in any way. Flash seems to run in its own little process and doesn't really affect the browser at all. I could be playing a heavy flash animation but the browser still responds fine. It just seems to be script/image heavy sites.
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