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Buy or not buy?

I think the Streak may still be the only "phone" above 4.5 inches, although there seem to be more and more coming out in the 4.3"+ range. I believe Dell/At&t huge failure in promoting the device has scared away other makers from getting this large, although I would love a device even bigger (screen, not actual size).

It is a year old, hardware wise, operating system is 2.2 which is not bad. About 6 months ago, there was allot of talk of a Streak2 coming out in May, but I haven't seen anything new in months and doubt that Dell will come out with anything new.

I like my device, my only issue is that it doesn't like "heat". In Florida that can be a problem, but if the device overheats from sitting in a hot car or just being outside in my pocket too long, it just shuts down. Maybe that is common, I never had the same issues with my old Blackberries.
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I think the Streak may still be the only "phone" above 4.5 inches, although there seem to be more and more coming out in the 4.3"+ range. I believe Dell/At&t huge failure in promoting the device has scared away other makers from getting this large, although I would love a device even bigger (screen, not actual size).

It is a year old, hardware wise, operating system is 2.2 which is not bad. About 6 months ago, there was allot of talk of a Streak2 coming out in May, but I haven't seen anything new in months and doubt that Dell will come out with anything new.

I like my device, my only issue is that it doesn't like "heat". In Florida that can be a problem, but if the device overheats from sitting in a hot car or just being outside in my pocket too long, it just shuts down. Maybe that is common, I never had the same issues with my old Blackberries.

Thank you so much for your opinion nb_mitch.

It seems that it
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It all depends on what you want from your device. For me, it's 75% Internet, 20% ebook reading, and 5% for all the rest. So the Streak's big (and highly reactive) screen is decisive.

I track gadget news fairly closely, and I see no competition whatsoever on the horizon. So if you want what's probably the best all-around screen on the market... buy it!
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I also strongly recommend you to get this one.. I have been using it for around 7 months.. I was using Iphone4.. I loved this one much better due to the bigger screen..

I will have 1 important recommendation for you --> please do not forget to get 1 otter box shield as soon as you get the phone (if you will get it).. Although it makes it a bit heavier and thicker I think the best way to protect this lovely phone.. and for me the Mat Screen Shield is very useful for no fingerprints on the screen..

hope you get/enjoy/love it :)
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please do not forget to get 1 otter box shield

I have one of the cheap rubber form fitting covers that has worked great for me. It cost $6-8 on eBay and came with 2 screen shields that I never used. It does make it a bit larger, but I like the protection.

Now days you can get the Streak for almost nothing. Dell is selling it for $99 with a $50 gift card. It is 3G and a year old, I spend 99% of my time on wifi and 4G isn't readily available either.

The Samsung Infuse 4G (AT&T) is 4.5" and the next largest phone out there, currently $129 at walmart.com
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What size of battery do you use? I have 1530mAh and just ordered a couple of 1800mAh batteries and a charger fron eBay. This smaller battery lasts a day with heavy use.
One advantage is that you can replace the battery and use a spare one.
How much extra do you get out of the larger batteries? I just had my Streak replaced, going to test the new one for battery life this weekend.

My old one would go 1.5 days on moderate use (not much phone, streaming music over the net for about 6 hours, 20 or so emails, lite browsing).
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How much extra do you get out of the larger batteries? I just had my Streak replaced, going to test the new one for battery life this weekend.

My old one would go 1.5 days on moderate use (not much phone, streaming music over the net for about 6 hours, 20 or so emails, lite browsing).

I'm still awaiting for the larger batteries so no experience yet.. please write here after you have tested the battery. Looking forward to hearing your experiences...
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Yesterday, I spend all day on 3G, using the device for google maps, some light web browsing, a few phone calls, as of this morning at 48 hours since the last change, the device was at 37%, now after 60 hours it is down to 18%. Today was completely on Wifi, a few phone calls, not much usage. I doubt it is going to make it until the morning, but even now it is the longest I have had a Streak battery last.

I did order another 1800 battery on eBay for less than $8 including a charger, probably don't really need it, but I figured for trips it would be good.
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I was able to go 76+ hours on lite usage before the battery went to 0, something I could never do with my original streak. After I recharged it, I went 24+ hours with normal usage (6 hours streaming radio) plus misc usage, emails, etc.

I then took it the final Space Shuttle Launch yesterday, leaving home at 2am with a full charge. Titusville has horrible At&t coverage, so it was constantly searching for signal, by 10am I was down to 40% but most people around me with various types of phones were complaining they were already dead. I shut off my 3g to save the battery and I got home at night with about 20% of the battery still alive. With my old Streak, my device was DOA by noon.
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