Well, yes it does.The size of the state's economy does not have anything to do with the state of it or what effect tax rates have on it.
The over all size of the economy compared to the average income can tell you who to tax more. For example, with only 40,000 dollars on average and with the highest economy, tells you that you can tax the rich way more then you can the poor.
In the state of califorina, the amount of money made the rich is bipolar to the the amount of money made by the poor.
With a high economy, the governer is right, you need to place taxes on the higher earners, and stop placing taxes on the backs of the poor.
You can not get out of debt by cutting spending, you are going to have to raise taxes.
Ok, so according to conservatives, california has about 45 billion in deficit.
Now we can not touch the 25% that goes to health. We can not touch the 11% to protection. We can not default at on the 21% that floats the budget and special interests. We so we have welfare and education. We will have to cut welfare and about 90% of the education budget. Now we just have balanced the budget of California. Of course we have completely screwed the poor. Only about 10% of the most wealthiest children can go to school now and your cost to maintain the poor will increase dramatically and so will crime.
You would have to cut 1/3 of all the spending just to stop the deficit. And doing that would screw the the poor. But you would stop the deficit.
WE would have to cut about 10% out of the health budget, just to make payments to the debt. That would get you out of debit in like 20 years.
OR you can just get the average person in California to pay 18,000 dollars more in the next 20 years, which is, with interest, like $1,500 a year, and you would not have to cut anything from the budget.
OR you can make moderate cuts to the budget, which will not trash your whole economy and increase taxes on the top 50%. That would equal about 800 dollars more per year, per person and would also pay down the debt. If we do not tank the economy with the spending cut could inflate our way out of the debt in like 12 years.
You can not save your way out of this. You would have to take 50% of the budget away, which would leave about 20 billion for education, health, welfare, pensions, and government functions.