So I'm working with Camerax, new to Android development, and I'm attempting to write an application that takes an image on a specific event, not button related, without having to pull up the camera application. I have it all working, but my MainActivity is overloaded. So to clean up the file I decided to offload different aspects to other files. Such as normal OOP concept.
So I created a file. Which I setup a constructor that I passed an object of the MainActivity class so I can access all the UI objects.
my orientation listener works just fine. I have access to UI objects. Everything seems to be working just fine. Execpt when I attempt to bindtolifecycle(). It throws an error.
I get the following error
I'm not really understanding whats going on with bind to lifecycle. Can something clarify whats happening here, point me in the right direction?
So I created a file. Which I setup a constructor that I passed an object of the MainActivity class so I can access all the UI objects.
public class CameraFuncs
MainActivity main;
public CameraFuncs(MainActivity mainActivity)
main = mainActivity;
my orientation listener works just fine. I have access to UI objects. Everything seems to be working just fine. Execpt when I attempt to bindtolifecycle(). It throws an error.
Camera camera = cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle((LifecycleOwner) this, cameraSelector,
I get the following error
I'm not really understanding whats going on with bind to lifecycle. Can something clarify whats happening here, point me in the right direction?