Why call people names like iSheep? Clearly, you are biased. Call us (I use some Apple products, and I do so for a good reason). If I owned a large corporation--AND IF YOU OWNED A LARGE CORPORATION, you would pray for the brand recognition Apple enjoys.
People should not blame Apple for stupid customers. Not sure how many whatevers were returned, I cannot believe it was all too many.
Some people are confused and they do not know their brands. I once owned an Opal GT and lots of people thought it was a Corvette.
I was kind of joking around but I am also bias when it comes to Apple. The reason is most likely not what your thinking. I don't have a issue with Apple being big or being popular. I do take issue with the fact Apple is a bully.
There is a really old saying "with great power comes great responsibility" Apple has really great power. They use that power to bully other companies all the time.
A wonderful example is E-Books. They pretty much told E-Book vendors you will price your books the way we want. The E-Book retailers had no choice but to comply if they wanted there product to be usable on a I-Pad.
Lately it seems any time the IPhone or IPad sees a little competition apple is there to sue. Its like they are taking new devices tearing them apart and looking for any little thing they can to sue over. In hopes a judge will keep the device from launching or giving any negative press they can.
Most recently they are suing Samsung over Galaxy Tab. There are literally only so many ways to design a Rectangle. We don't see Goodyear suing Firestone over there tires. We don't see Intel suing AMD over there processor shape. We don't see Samsung suing Vizo over there tv's.
There all basically the same design on the out side. There is no real deference and at first glance you cant tell any of them apart. They all share the common fact that the out side design of each product is limited. The wheel can only be made round, The TV will almost always be a box shape using what ever screen dimensions are standard, Processors will almost always been chips.
Yea I am bias because Apple has grown into a huge company that thinks everything they want belongs to them. I would be bias against any company that acts the way Apple does.
Tell yea the truth this double standard the world seems to have is kind of frightening. I could just see if a company like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, or even Walmart. Tried to pull have the stunts Apple does I seriously think they go out of business quicker then you could blink.

Opel GT is technically speaking a GM which makes it a Chevy so alteast they got the companys right.
I just wanted to add really quick I also don't want to see Apple go out of business. I just want them to straighten up there act. Consumers would lose big time if Apple went under.
I really like Google as a company but I hate to think of what would happen if they where left as the only major player in the Smart Phone and Tablet world. As consumers we really need competition between company so they are forced to innovate.