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Can I have my text message app make a different notification sound?

This has been driving me crazy for years:

When I receive a new text message, I would very much like for that sound to be unique. I don't want to hear the exact same sound when various other apps notify me about other things.

When I've previously asked about this, the answer has generally been no. But now that I have an S23 FE running the latest version of the OS, I'm hoping maybe things have changed.

Please note I understand I can set individual notification sounds for specific people in my contacts list. That is not what I want, and it won't solve my problem.

Thank you, as always, for your help!
No because apps no longer get their own notifications. This has been an Android "feature" for years: notification channels. All I can do is set general tones for types of notifications... but if the app itself doesn't allow setting a specific sound, you're stuck with one sound for everything.
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I have different sounds for many apps, including SMS. It just depends on whether the app supports it. But I don't use Samsung's Messages app, so don't know whether they do (probably not by the sound of it).

A recent update of ProtonMail lost this feature, but the developers tell me that they do intend to reinstate it.
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the only thing i can think of is using Tasker - Apps on Google Play

its been a hot minute since i last used it though. you might be able to change the sounds via this app, but do not ask me how as i have not used it in a very long time.
I've been using Macrodroid for years and have a separate sound for when the Boss Lady sends a text. I'm using Textra.
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