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Can i .......?


Deleted User

heyy :)

i have HTC Sense on my desire and i love the Clock and weather widget with the full screen weather.

i have recently been playing around with launcher pro plus. I like the way it can be landscape. and the scroll bar, but most importantly the 3D app drawer.

so my question is, is it possible to have the launcher pro with the HTC clock and the toggle switches,


have launcher pro and then have a gadget thats roughly the same? then if its possible to get wifi, bluetooth, gps, snyc,profile ect toggle switches and just use launcher pro?

heyy :)

i have HTC Sense on my desire and i love the Clock and weather widget with the full screen weather.

i have recently been playing around with launcher pro plus. I like the way it can be landscape. and the scroll bar, but most importantly the 3D app drawer.

so my question is, is it possible to have the launcher pro with the HTC clock and the toggle switches,


have launcher pro and then have a gadget thats roughly the same? then if its possible to get wifi, bluetooth, gps, snyc,profile ect toggle switches and just use launcher pro?


There's a weather widget called Fancy Widget. Looks exactly the same minus the animations.
That might work for you.
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