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Can Notification trouble be rom specific?


Android Enthusiast
My question may be very very juvenile (in the context of the android world) but it has bothered me again and again and so here i come seeking resolution.

In my various sojourns into different roms, I have observed, that notifications (which to me are one of the most important feature of android), generall work better on ICS or more particularly either the samsung stock rom or sammy based roms ( neatrom). I have found that on almost all of jelly bean roms i have installed, I did NOT receive timely notifications of emails on my Gmail or new tweets even when push notifications had been enabled for twitter. I must clarify that i am not using any battery saver apps like juice defender which toggle data on and off. In all cases the only change i have made was the rom itself. The sync intervals etc of apps remained the same.
Hence my question is why do notifications work better on Sammy roms? could this be a rom specific issue or am i missing something?
I reckon (and I'm no expert !) that highly modded ROMs sometimes have issues because they are not completely compatible with the SGSII. Things individual to each persons phone can cause clashes and issues as well.
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